Wednesday, May 9, 2018

John 9: Staying Awake

John 9 Discussion Questions
May 6, 2018

Thanks for discussing (or simply meditating on) the sermon.

1) Start by reading John 9.

  • If you want to view a wonderful dramatic reading of John 8 and 9, see this one by Bruce Kuhn (by the way, I was a 20-year college student in the audience at Urbana '93 and I still remember seeing this for the first time):
  • What words or phrases impressed you when you read or heard this passage again? 
2) Ryan said that only Jesus can wake us up to the most important things in life by opening our eyes so that we can see. When was the first time you "saw" Jesus? How did that happen? What difference did that make in your life?

3) What is the significance of verse 1: "Jesus saw a man..." What does that suggest about how we ought to see one another? What are the challenges to seeing others like Jesus?

4) John Newton is partially responsible for making verse 25 famous as shorthand for every one of our testimonies. What makes it such a wonderful way to describe what Jesus does for each of us? Is there someone you need to share your testimony with in the same way: clearly and courageously? Who is it? If you have time, pray for that person or those persons right now -- that God would open their spiritual eyes to Jesus. 

5) What lesson do we learn about Jesus from verse 1 and verse 35? Is that comforting to you today? Why?

6) Spend some time thanking God for opening your eyes, mouth, and heart. And ask Him to help you see and share Jesus more faithfully, according to His grace. 

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