Monday, September 28, 2020

"A Bold Appeal" Acts 25:9-27 Rev. Ryan Laughlin



                                                     Sermon Discussion Questions


  1)  In this passage, Paul is using his "last ditch effort" in appealing to Caesar. What do you notice about Paul's appeal/argument?


 2) When you find yourself being pressed into situations where your reputation is at stake or you may feel "out of the loop", how do you respond? When you really think about it, what/who are you putting your identity in?


3)  Quote from C.S. Lewis: "The desire to be inside the invisible line (the inner social circle) illustrates this rule. As long as you are governed by that desire you will never get what you want. You are trying to peel an onion: if you succeed there will be nothing left. Until you conquer the fear of being an outsider, and you will remain." Do you find this to be true? How does this quote sit with you? (from The Inner Ring Essay)

4) Sermon quote: "The only one who brings true belonging and true intimacy is the one who knows you completely, the one from whom you have not one secret, the Lord Jesus." (Ryan Laughlin) What about this quote is challenging? What about this quote is encouraging?

5) Are there other examples in the Bible where you see people being pressed in this way, as Paul was being pressed? How did he/she respond? 



Monday, September 21, 2020

"When the ball is in your court" Acts 24:1-27





                                                       Sermon Discussion Questions


1) After reading over this passage: a) What was Paul being accused of? b) How did Paul defend himself? c) What can we learn from the way Paul reacted to those accusing him?

2) When we are being questioned or accused how do we respond? How should the Church respond at large when culture presses hard against their beliefs?

3) What was Paul's reason for his hope in the midst of his imprisonment? Give specific examples from this passage.

4)  In his defense, what did Paul own up to? Are we quick to own up to things that are true about ourselves, when making a defense?

5) What about the gospel truth is helpful and encouraging when facing these types of opposition? 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

“ The Apt Word” Acts 22:22-23:11 Rev. Ryan Laughlin


                                                  Sermon Discussion Questions 

  1) What was Paul’s response to the Roman Tribune in verses 22:22-29? What was Paul’s response to the Sanhedrin in verses 22:30-23:11?

2) God’s timing is always perfect. How do we see the Lord showing up in Paul’s life in this text?

3) Proverbs 25:11 says, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of in a setting of silver.” What does this tell us about our words?

4) Do Paul’s words to the authorities sound familiar? Do they echo anytime Jesus was rebuking religious leaders?

5) “Wisdom isn’t just speaking the right words but the right timing too.” Can you recall a time when the right words were spoken to you at the right time? How did they encourage you in the truth of the gospel?

6) Jesus is the apt word that we need as His people. How do we see this truth in our daily lives?

Monday, September 7, 2020

“Blind Spots” Acts 21:30-22:22 Rev. Ryan Laughlin


                                      Sermon Discussion Questions 

    1) What was Paul emphasizing about the gospel in this passage? 

    2) Paul was no stranger to hardships. What was he facing in particular in these verses?

    3)  Just like in the time of the early Church, we are also facing challenging issues in our present day culture. As believers putting “on our Biblical worldview lenses”, can this be challenging to us? 

  4) Current culture would have us live out of our labels or hashtags, quickly dividing us and shutting down conversations. This creates blind spots culturally and spiritually. What have been some blind spots in your own life? 

5) Sermon quote: “Until we allow the Holy Spirit to show us our spiritual blind spots of pride and arrogance, we can’t begin to tackle our cultural blind spots.” Discuss with the group.

6) How does the love of Christ and God’s Word (Bible) expose our blind spots? How has it been encouraging to you?