Sunday, December 27, 2020

"God with the Anxious" Matthew 6:25-34 Rev. Ryan Laughlin





                                             Sermon Discussion Questions


1) Worry is nothing new to the human condition. What was Jesus reminding the crowd of in the sermon in Matthew 6?


2) What is the heart/core issue that Jesus is tackling in this text?


3) What are the questions that Jesus asks in this section? Are those questions hard for us to answer? Do we really believe that we are more valuable than the birds?


4)  In this passage, Jesus is training us to see the world that we live in as God's kingdom. Is this the way we see the world? Do we see God at work in the every day rhythms of creation?


5)  In the midst of our worry/anxiety, how do we usually respond? What is our pattern of response when we wake up in the middle of the night worrying?


6) Sermon quote: "Our cure for our worries is not obedience to His principles but delighting in His presence. The King of glory and grace is with us." Reflect and discuss. Is this a truth we hold onto in our lives?  

Monday, December 14, 2020

Advent Week 3: God With Seekers Matthew 2:1-12 Rev. Ryan Laughlin






                                                  Sermon Discussions


1) What was the reason the wise men wanted to follow the star to find Jesus?


2) How was Herod's response different from the wise men?

3) Do we view the truth of Jesus as King of all things as a treasure or a threat (to us being in charge)? 


4) Sermon quote: "A majority of our lives is more about God pursuing us, rather than us pursuing God." Is this comforting or challenging to you as a believer? Can you think of other verses in scripture that emphasize this?


5) Challenge/Reflection: Can you retrace your steps back to when God pursued you and brought you to Himself? What did God do to get your attention? 




Monday, December 7, 2020

2nd Week in Advent "God with the Shameful" Matthew 1:18-25 Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                                     Sermon Discussion Questions


  1)  What does Matthew tell us about Jesus in this passage? How does Joseph respond to the news of Mary being with child?


  2) Jesus was fully human and fully God. How does this truth encourage you?


  3) Jesus was born into a shameful situation and died a shameful death, yet without sin.  Does this help you in your life as a believer? How? Can you give share some examples?


  4) Reflect on a time when you have felt irrelevant or illegitimate in your own life. Why does it matter that Jesus experienced these realities in His life here on earth? 


 5) Our "God with us" story is too great/amazing to keep to ourselves. Who in your life needs to hear that they are worth your time? Who needs to hear that Christ wants their shame?