Monday, March 30, 2015

"Who is that Man?" - Matthew 21:1-11 (March 29, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. Think about the different gospel accounts, how do various people answer the question, "who is this?" in reference to Jesus?
3. What implications does Jesus' authority have on us?
4. Where are the places in your life that you need to listen to Jesus' word in your life?
5. In this passage, where do we see Jesus being depicted as the king?
6. Why is the title, "Son of David" significant?
7. Think about your friends / family who aren't Christians, how do they answer the question of "who is this?" How can we respond?

Sermon Outline:

1. The one with divine authority

2. The one with divine reign
    a. The king of promise
    b. The king of peace
    c. The king to celebrate

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