Tuesday, December 10, 2013

12/8: "Jesus' Christmas List" (Isaiah 9:1-7)

1.  Christ came not only to forgive us of our sins, but also to deliver us from oppression and bring us freedom. Yet, as Ryan asks us, "Do we really believe that? Are we living that way right now?" How has Jesus freed you from the power, guilt, and shame of your sins?

2.  What things prevent you from realizing and laying hold of this truth?

3.  How are we assured that a day is coming when all suffering will end? How does this knowledge comfort you in your current struggles?

4.  In times of pain, suffering, and grief who or what do you find yourself turning to the most? In times of difficulty, in what things does the world tell you to place your hopes in?

5.  Over the years, how have you typically viewed Christmas? How has Isaiah 9:1-7 shaped your understanding of Christ's birth and its significance?

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