Monday, October 29, 2012

The King Restores [Luke 5:33-6:11]

Sermon Discussion Questions

The King Restores [Luke 5:33-6:11]

  • "The Honeymoon is over" Ryan said as he began talking about Jesus. In the sermon passage this week there was much confrontation against Jesus concerning religious rules. Do we get lost sometimes in the details of the rules? Do we sometimes forget the purpose of a rule as we think about the technicalities of the rule? 
  • Our calenders are often full (They may even be overflowing!). Living at a relentless pace we feel the need for rest. Jesus points us to the Sabbath, to embrace the rest God has provided weekly. Is the Sabbath a day that you keep moving at the same pace? Are you missing out on the deepest longing for rest by rushing through the Sabbath rather than resting on it? 
  • The Pharisees had 39 rules how to not break the Sabbath. Legalism doesn't free us to be more human, it actually enslaves us to be less human. Jesus is the leader who defends his people from legalism and leads his people into becoming more human. What experiences have you had with legalism in your own life? How has Jesus lead you from a place enslavement to a place of freedom in him?
  • We are constantly pursuing life, sometimes in the wrong places, whether it is in passing pleasures, a relentless pace, or in religious rules. At the end of the day and all our pursuits of life have left us only hungry for more, what do we have? Do we turn to the life of Jesus to find life in him? 

Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click here to listen!

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