Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 5 - 12

Readings can be accessed in full by clicking on the links below:   

May 5: Ps 1-2/15/22-24/47/68
May 6: 
Ps 89/96/100-101/105/132
May 7: 
2Sam 7; 1Chron 17
May 8: 
Ps 25/29/33/36/39
May 9: 
2Sam 8-9; 1Chron 18
May 10: 
Ps 50/53/60/75
May 11: 
2Sam10; 1Chron 19; Ps 20
May 12: 
Ps 65-67/69-70

To view the full schedule:

1 comment:

  1. 2 Sam. 7 is such a familiar passage because it is the covenant made with David - the covenant where God declares that one of David's descendants shall reign on his throne forever. It is a beautiful chapter - yet, I realized as I was reading this morning, that I usually focus most of my attention on the verses before v. 18ff. However, these verses are wonderful.
    David has been told that God will establish his kingdom and his throne forever through one of David's offspring. And how does David respond? How would you or I respond? With confidence in our own wealth, abilities, success, etc? How does David respond: "Who am I O Lord God, and what is my house that you have brought me thus far?...Because of your promise, and according to your own heart, you have brought about all this greatness...Therefore you are great, O Lord God. For there is none like you, and there is no God besides you..." David, hearing that his line will reign for eternity is humble. He remembers that he was an obscure shepherd boy, who men would have passed over for his brothers, but whom God showed grace and favor. David remembers and thanks God because of what God has done. Humility and thanksgiving - that is David's response. I pray that God would teach us to be humble. That when we see his grace and mercy extended to us, that we would remember that it is only by the love of Christ, the mercy of God, and his grace that we find favor in his eyes. When we consider who we are, and see God's grace extended to us, we too will enter into thanksgiving
