Sunday, December 27, 2015

"Grace in Person" - John 1:15-18 (December 27, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. How does John proclaim the greatness of Jesus in this passage?
3. How is he modeling for us what our witness of Jesus is to look like?
4. John promotes Jesus over himself in this passage, why are we prone to celebrate ourselves rather than Christ? In what ways do we promote ourselves?
5. Thinking about the Old Testament, what are examples of God's grace in the Old Testament?
6. How do we see from this passage that Christ's grace is better than the grace revealed in the Old Testament?
7. We are called to live as a culture of grace. What does this look like for us?

Sermon Outline
1. Greatness
2. Grace
3. God Himself

Sunday, December 20, 2015

"A Brother in the Family" - John 1:12-13 (December 20, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. How do these verses point us to a the offer of a new start?
3. Ask if anyone is willing to share about how their life was changed by Jesus, to talk about the "new start" that took place in their lives.
4. What is the new status that is given to us and what does it offer us?
5. We are told that we're given God's unrestricted access, what does this mean for us practically?
6. Why is "but God" significant to understanding our new life?

Sermon Outline:
1. New Start
   a. Radically Inclusive
   b. Exclusive Demand

2. New Status
    a. Where does it originate?
    b. What does it offer?

3. New Life

Sunday, December 13, 2015

"Stranger in the World" - John 1:9-11 (December 13, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. Look at vv. 1-8, what are some of the amazing ways that we're told about Jesus in these verses? How would we expect someone like this to be welcomed?
3. Contrast our expectations in vv. 1-8 with how he really was received in vv. 9-11.
4. Why was it important that Jesus was "in" the world? How does his life reflect his in-ness?
5. How is Jesus depicted as one of obscurity in this passage?
6. Why is it important that Jesus embraced and embodied obscurity for us?
7. Where are the places that you can spend yourself as a response to Jesus giving himself for you?

Sermon Outline:

1. Creator in the world
   a. Illumination
   b. Immersion

2. Stranger in the world
   a. Unknown
   b. Unwelcome

Sunday, December 6, 2015

"Light in the Darkness" - John 1:4-8 (December 6, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. What are the issues of the world that seem to always bring division?
3. How in this passage is Jesus spoken of as one who crosses divisions?
4. Ryan talked about how we crave the light and yet it is easy to live casually, underestimating the power of darkness. In what ways do you do this?
5. How is Jesus shown in this passage as dealing with the darkness of sin?
6. Since Jesus is the light we reflect, how can you reflect that light into the various spheres you live in?

Sermon Outline:
1. The Light We Crave
   a. Crosses all divisions
   b. Defeats all darkness

2. The Light We Reflect
   a. For a purpose
   b. At a cost

Sunday, November 29, 2015

"Advent: Word in the Beginning" - John 1:1-3 (November 29, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. When you think about your story, where do you begin? Why is it important that John begins the advent story with the beginning?
3. Why is Jesus' presence at the beginning so important?
4. How does this passage show Jesus' agency?
5. Who does our culture (and often us) say by its actions who the star of Christmas is?
6. How does this passage renew our joy over Christ being the star of Christmas?

Sunday, November 22, 2015

"Sign Language: The Blind See" - John 9:1-41 (November 22, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage loud.
2. Why is it important that Christ sees this man?
3. Because of this passage, how are we assured of how Christ sees us?
4. How does Jesus show that he is the light of the world?
5. How doe the Pharisees show they are trusting in their works more than in Jesus?
6. What are the ways that we reflect that a belief we can see when we are really blind?
7. Who are the only people who actually see?

Monday, November 16, 2015

"Sign Language: Walking on the Water" - John 6:16-21 (November 15, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. What is the danger the disciples are facing?
3. What are the things that you are afraid of?
4. How, in this passage, does Jesus show that he rules over all things? How does this give us comfort in the midst of our fears?
5. How does Jesus' actions in this passage speak both to who he is and what he will do?
6. How does this passage challenge a common perspective that God is far off and not engaged with his people?

Sermon Outline:
1. Jesus Rescues Us (Compassion)

2. Jesus Rules Over Nature (Authentication)

3. Jesus Will Renew All Things (Demonstration)

4. Jesus Reassures Us (Confrontation)

Sunday, November 8, 2015

"Sign Language: The Hungry are Satisfied" - John 6:1-15 (November 8, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. What are some of the assumptions that the world makes about Jesus?
3. What are some of the misunderstandings that the crowds and the disciples make about Jesus in this passage?
4. Think about the various relationships you have, why is it easy for us to limit Jesus' power regarding these relationships?
5. How does Jesus show who he is in this passage? What are the reasons that we can be confident that Jesus performed this sign and that he is God?
6. Why doesn't Jesus give the crowd what they want?
7. Why is his provision better than what they asked for?

Sermon Outline:
1. Demonstrating His Power

2. Demonstrating His Person

3. Demonstrating His Provision

Sunday, November 1, 2015

"Sign Language: The Lame Walk" - John 5:1-18 (November 1, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. This sign points to our need of healing - where are you experiencing this need?
3. What is the way that the man in this passage was seeking to "medicate"?
4. How do you attempt to deal with our need for healing through self-medication?
5. How in this passage do we see Christ meeting the four (compassion, authentication, demonstrations, confrontation) aspects of Biblical signs?
6. Ryan said, "A sign moves us from disenchantment to real hope." How does this passage do this for us?

Sermon Outline:
1. Recognize Our Diagnosis

2. Reject Our Self-Medication

3. Rely On Our Healer

Sunday, October 25, 2015

"Sign Language: The Water to Wine" - John 2:1-11 (October 25, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. Why did Jesus not only give us teaching and words but also signs? (cf. John 20:30-31)
3. How is Jesus showing compassion in this story?
4. What are the things in your life that you feel are too small for God to be concerned with? Why do we think this?
5. How is this a sign of authentication?
6. What should our response be to the authenticating work of Christ?
7. How does this feast point to the future feast of Revelation? How should we live in light of this?

Sermon Outline:
1. Compassion

2. Authentication

3. Demonstration

4. Feast

Monday, October 12, 2015

"Echoes of Edom" - Genesis 35:16-36:1 (October 11, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. In this passage, where do you see a war being waged within Jacob?
3. Ryan said that we are either dealing with what's in front of us or what we've just been through. How do you see this playing out in your life?
4. The Bible is full of warnings about sin and the devil, yet we often don't take those warnings serious, why is that?
5. How is it that Jesus has waged war on our behalf?
6. Ryan said that a realization of this war should make us a little sadder, a little more connected, and a little more joyful. Why is this the case and how should be appropriate these in our lives?

Sermon Outline:

1. The war waged against you
   a. The war within
   b. The war without

2. The war waged for you

Sunday, October 4, 2015

"Back to Bethel" - Genesis 35:1-15 (October 4, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. Think about the feelings you experience when you return to a place that in the past was home, what are the emotions that stir when you know you're returning to it?
3. How is Bethel a place of home for Jacob?
4. Where in this passage is God's initiative and intimacy shown to Jacob?
5. In this passage Jacob is found isolated, how does God deal with his isolation? How does he deal with ours?
6. How has God sought us out and brought us home?

Sermon Outline:
1. The Glory of Bethel
   A. God's Initiative
   B. Place of Intimacy

2. The Power of Bethel
   A. Liberates us from Idols
   B. Liberates us from Fear

Sunday, September 27, 2015

"A Sterilized Gospel" - Genesis 34 (September 27, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. How does our culture often seek to deal with those who are have been abused? What are they told?
3. From our passage, what does it seem that Jacob is most concerned about?
4. What is it that Dinah is needing from her father in this passage?
5. How does Jesus speak on our behalf?
6. What is the alternative to revenge that is revealed in the Bible?

Sermon Outline:

1. For those who suffer abuse

2. For those who stay silent

3. For those who seek revenge

Monday, September 14, 2015

"Reconciliation" - Genesis 33 (September 13, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. Think of a relationship that you're in where there is need for reconciliation.
3. Looking at this passage, how do we see Jacob embodying what is needed for the logic of reconciliation?
3. What prevents you from being humble & grateful as you interact with that difficult person?
4. What are the difficulties that come up in seeking reconciliation? First in this passage and in our own lives?
5. Ryan talked not only about the need for individuals to seek reconciliation but also for the church, corporately, to lead the way. Where are the places that the church can do this? How can we be a living demonstration of the gospel of reconciliation.
6. What is the motivation behind seeking reconciliation?
7. Take some time in prayer, asking God to give you wisdom and courage to seek reconciliation.

Sermon Outline
1. God provides the logic of reconciliation
   a. Humbles
   b. Grateful

2. God celebrates beauty of reconciliation

3. God navigates the difficulty of reconciliation

Sunday, September 6, 2015

"Wrestling with God" - Genesis 32:22-32 (September 6, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. Ryan said that we all have places in our lives where we feel like we're in "head lock." Where is that place right now for you?
3. In that place, how do you see God working?
4. How does this passage show us Jacob's desperation?
5. Why is Jacob's desperation good?
6. Think about a situation where you've felt desperate, what is it that you cling to? What are you prone to grasp hold of when you're desperate?
7. How does God restore Jacob's courage in this passage and how does he do the same for us?

Sermon Outline:
1. Restore our wonder

2. Restore our desperation

3. Restore our courage
   a. A new name
   b. A new limp

Monday, August 31, 2015

"Do Not Be Afraid" - Genesis 32:1-21 (August 30, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. What are the things that you fear?
3. What the things that we see Jacob fearing in this passage?
4. Ryan said that fear is "First and foremost a spiritual problem." What are the reasons this is true?
5. How does God help us in our fears?
6. What are the ways that God changes us in the midst of our fears?
7. Take some time and pray for the areas of fear where you need God to help you.

Sermon outline:
1. God meets us in our fear
   a. Fear of harm
   b. Fear of loss

2. God helps us in our fear
   a. Our plans
   b. Our prayers

3. God changes us in our fear

Sunday, August 23, 2015

"We're Not Fooling Everybody" - Genesis 31:14-55 (August 23, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. What were some of the reasons Ryan mentioned for why people kept idols? What purpose did they play in people's lives?
3. Where in the passage do we see the centrality of Laban's idol in his heart and in Rachel's?
4. Think about those things in your life that you hide from everyone. Why do you hide them? What does your attempts to hide them say about your perceptions of yourself, your community, and about God?
5. What is your initial reaction to the awareness that God sees everything, even those things we hide?
6. Why does embracing God's awareness of our hidden idols produce freedom?

Sermon Outline:
1. The things we hide
   a. What?
   b. Why?
   c. How?
   d. So What?

2. The God Who sees
   a. Keeps watch
   b. Maintains justice
   c. Inspires fear

Sunday, July 26, 2015

"A Vision from No-Man's Land" - Genesis 27:46-28:22 (July 26, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. Brian talked about the dark place that Jacob would have been in emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc. What are the circumstances that are causing this?
3. Similarly, what is the place you're in? What is causing this?
4. What is the vision that Jacob has tell us about God?
5. What is the promise that God is making to Jacob in the midst of this vision?
6. How does God's promise to Jacob help us? In those places you mentioned earlier, how does God's presence benefit us?

Sermon Outline:
1. Place

2. Vision
   a. Mediator
   b. Communicator
   c. Sovereign Lord

3. Response

Monday, July 13, 2015

"Too Big to Fail" - Genesis 26 (July 12, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. The question was asked, "Is God really too big to fail?" Another way of asking this is, "Will God be able / willing to help me?" Where are the places / times you've asked this?
3. Where in this passage do we see God telling Isaac to trust him?
4. In this passage Isaac repeats some of the mistakes of his father, Abraham. Despite these mistakes, how does God show that Isaac has not be disqualified from the promises?
5. As God speaks to Isaac concerning His oath, what event is God reminding Isaac about?
6. Why is this oath significant? What does it say about God and how is it to encourage Isaac?
7. Where is a place that you can trust God this week?

Monday, July 6, 2015

"Our Inheritance Revisited" - Genesis 25:29-34 (July 5, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. Why was Esau so willing to give up his inheritance?
3. Esau's desires were off kilter, what are those things that you desire inordinately? How do your actions reflect this?
4. Take some time and compare Jacob's actions as a brother to Esau vs. Jesus' actions as a brother to us. How do they differ?
5. Since Jesus secures for us an inheritance, how do we practically grow in our desires for that inheritance?

Sermon Outline:
1. Our Inheritance Assessed

2. Our Inheritance Squandered
   a. Over value
   b. Under value the things of God

3. Our Inheritance Secured

Monday, June 29, 2015

"Strivers in the Struggle" - Genesis 25:1-28 (June 28, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. What are the "big" questions that you're asking regarding life, purpose, etc? What do you do when those questions aren't immediately answered?
3. Why are the answers that God gives to Isaac and Rebekah both comforting and confusing?
4. Where in the passage do we see a striving for both comparison and competence among the Jacob and Esau?
5. Do you find yourself striving for one (comparison / competence)? How does this play out in your life? What is the reason for your striving?
6. Where do our strivings for answers, achievements, and acceptance find resolve? Where is one area in your life that you can rest in God for answers, achievement, or acceptance this week?

Sermon Outline:
1. Answers
   a. Comforting answers
   b. Confusing answers

2. Achievements
   a. Comparison
   b. Competence

3. Acceptance

Monday, June 22, 2015

"How to spot a Covenant Theologian" - Genesis 24 (June 21, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. In what ways do we see Abraham thinking generationally in this passage?
3. What are specific ways that we can think generationally for our church? What affect would this have on how we live today?
4. How does Abraham reflect a hope in the world to come?
5. Where are the places in your life that you can represent the world to come? What will this look like?
6. In the sermon, Ryan said that living attentively means living with humble prayers. What are the things that we / you need to be praying about?

Sermon outline:
1. Think Generationally
   a. For the flourishing of the church
   b. For the blessing of the world

2. Hope Broadly

3. Live Attentively
   a. With humble prayers
   b. With heartfelt praise

Monday, June 1, 2015

"Timing is everything" - Genesis 21:1-21 (May 31, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. What is a situation in your life when you've wondered if God's timing was correct? Think about things you've waited for, hoped for, etc.
3. How does this passage point to God's timing being perfect?
4. How does God show the characters in the passage that his timing is redemptive?
5. Where are the places in our life that we need to remember that God is faithful in his timing?

Sermon Outline:

1. Perfectly Mysterious
   a. Miraculous
   b. Confusing

2. Perfectly Faithful

3. Perfectly Redemptive
   a. Provides
   b. Delivers

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

"The Reason for Repetition" - Genesis 20; 21:22-34 (May 24, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. What are the hard places (relationally, emotionally, spiritually, etc) that you find yourselves in?
3. How do you respond to these hard places?
4. How do we see in this passage Abraham's heart patterns in response to his hard place?
5. What do you see your own heart patterns coming out in the midst of hard places?
6. How is God using the repetitions in Abraham's life to work in his life?
7. How do you see God working in your life in the midst of these hard places?

Sermon outline:
1. Hard Places

2. Heart Patterns

3. Difficult People

4. Ironic Prayers

5. Strange Provision

Monday, May 18, 2015

"Sodom's Last Night" - Genesis 19:1-29 (May 17, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. How does our culture generally respond to the idea of God's judgment?
3. Why is it important that God is both loving and just?
4. Where in this passage do we see God's justice as well as his love?
5. What are the different responses in this passage to God's judgment? How do we respond when our sin is made known?
6. Where is God's rescue made known in this passage and how does it point us to God's rescue of us?

Sermon Outline:

1. Our recognition of God's judgment

2. Our response to God's judgment
   a. Anger
   b. Laughter
   c. Linger

3. Our rescue from God's judgment
   a. What we've been rescued from
   b. How we've been rescued

Monday, May 11, 2015

"Pray with your eyes open!" - Genesis 18:16-33 (May 10, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud
2. What was the role and what responsibilities did the priest have in the Old Testament?
3. How is Abraham functioning like a priest in this passage?
4. How does Abraham's intercession for the city challenge our initial thoughts about what a priest did or for whom they did it?
5. Who are the people in your life who are in need of a priest? How can you be a "priest" on their behalf?
6. Take some time to pray, asking God to give you eyes to see, hearts that are broken, and the ability to be a priest for others.

Sermon Outline:
1: A Greater Awareness
   a. God opens our eyes
   b. God breaks our hearts

2. A Greater Intercession
   a. Appeal to God's justice
   b. Appeal to God's mercy

Sunday, May 3, 2015

"Is Anything Too Hard for God?" - Genesis 18:1-15 (May 3, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. Take some time and think of a situation where you thought, "is God able to help me in this?"
3. What are the circumstances that Abraham and Sarah are confronted with that would cause them to ask the same question?
4. What are the ways that Abraham responds to God's appearing to him? What is the motivation for these responses?
5. What are some practical ways you can live out these same responses?
6. What caused Sarah to laugh and why do you think she then lied to God about it?
7. How does God show us that nothing is too hard for him?
8. Take some time and pray that you would believe God can work in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Sermon Outline:
1. God as mysterious traveler
   A. Humble
   B. Urgent
   C. Extravagant

2. God as miracle worker
   A. Why we laugh at God
   B. Why we lie to God

Monday, April 27, 2015

"DTR" - Genesis 17:1-14 (April 26, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. Think about times when you've felt your relationship with the Lord has lacked intimacy. What has contributed to that?
3. It can be easy for us to base our relational health with God upon our moral health. Why is rule keeping never going to be enough?
4. Ryan said the legalist will either need to "domestic God's glory" or "decrease God's expectations." Think about your approach to the law, do you find yourself doing one of these? Which one and why?
5. How do we see God pursuing Abraham in this passage?
6. Where can we go when feeling like our relationship with God is in a rut?

Sermon Outline
1. Rules
   a. Domesticating God's glory
   b. Decreasing God's expectations

2. Routine

3. Regret

Sunday, April 12, 2015

"A Sturdy Hope" - Philippians 1:3-11 (April 12, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. Why do our fears of what others think about us concern us so much?
3. In this passage, what are Paul's thoughts about the Philippians?
4. What are the different ways that Paul reflects his joy about them?
5. Why is it hard for us to not only celebrate others but to receive praise about us from others?
6. What are some practical ways that we can show love to one another?

Sermon Outline:
1. Paul thinks of them with joy
    A. Joy in prayer
    B. Joy in partnership
    C. Joy in anticipation

2. Paul thinks of them with love

3. Paul thinks of them with hope

Monday, April 6, 2015

"Last Hope Standing" - Job 19:21-27 (April 5, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. What are the ways that we and our culture deal with despair?
3. How does this passage show Job seeking to confront his despair?
4. Job speaks of a "redeemer" in this passage, how does the redeemer act on Job's behalf?
5. Consider your actions, thoughts, words, etc. and describe how they reflect where you put your hope? Consider also what you're hoping for.
6. What is Job's hope for himself and for the world?
7. Think about Jesus' life, actions, and teaching. How does he confront despair, defeat death, and satisfy our desires?
8. What is one area of your life that you need to grow in your hope of a redeemer?

Sermon Outline:

Hope that...

1. Confronts Despair
2. Defeats Death
3. Satisfies Desire

Monday, March 30, 2015

"Who is that Man?" - Matthew 21:1-11 (March 29, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. Think about the different gospel accounts, how do various people answer the question, "who is this?" in reference to Jesus?
3. What implications does Jesus' authority have on us?
4. Where are the places in your life that you need to listen to Jesus' word in your life?
5. In this passage, where do we see Jesus being depicted as the king?
6. Why is the title, "Son of David" significant?
7. Think about your friends / family who aren't Christians, how do they answer the question of "who is this?" How can we respond?

Sermon Outline:

1. The one with divine authority

2. The one with divine reign
    a. The king of promise
    b. The king of peace
    c. The king to celebrate

Monday, March 23, 2015

"Gospel Cause: Influence" - Daniel 1 (March 22, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. Ryan mentioned three ways that Christians can limit their influence (victimization, domination, fortification). Take a moment and describe each posture. Which do you find yourself tempted to embrace? Why?
3. How do we see Daniel resisting all three of these?
4. Take a moment and think about those who have have been influential in your life. Who were they? What made them influential? Were they well known?
5. How does Daniel exert influence in this passage?
6. Where are the places that you have been positioned to be influential? How can you be influential for Christ in those places?

Sermon Outline:
1. Reconsider ways we limit Christian influence
   a. Victimization
   b. Domination
   c. Fortification

2. Recommit to ways we seek Christian influence
   a. Invested lives
   b. Distinct lives

Monday, March 9, 2015

"Gospel Community Changes Us" - Ephesians 6:1-16 (March 8, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. Share your history with the church; good, bad, hurts, rejoicings, etc.
3. Despite the difficulties we may have faced in the church, we are called to stick to together. Where in this passage is this pointed out? How do we do this?
4. What motivates us to be a community that listens well to each other?
5. Where in this passage is the community part of the church emphasized and where is the individual aspect emphasized?
6. How can we work and grow together as the church?

Sermon Outline:
1. Stick Together
   A. Thinking less of ourselves
   B. Thinking less of other's faults
2. Work Together
   A. Gifted by Jesus
   B. Equipped by teachers
3. Grow Together

Monday, March 2, 2015

"Gospel Community Connects Us" - Philippians 2:19-30 (March 1, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage.
2. Our sin causes us to be alienated from God, how do we try to cure our alienation?
3. How do we see God dealing with our alienation from him?
4. In this passage, how is God meeting Paul's need for friendship?
5. Why is friendship an important part of our following God? What is hindering you from forming friendships in Christ?
6. What are ways that we as the church can make the church a place where people are known and a place they will call "home"?

Sermon Outline:
1. Loneliness: More serious than we think
   A. Alienation from God
   B. Isolation from others

2. Friendships: More sweet than we realize
   A. Our need for friendships
   B. Our capacity for friendships

Monday, February 23, 2015

"Gospel Community Sets Us Free" - Galatians 2:11-21 (February 22, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage.
2. Ryan quoted another pastor when he said, "Paul knew we could unsay with our church culture what we say with our doctrine." What does this quote indicate about our lives and doctrine?
3. What are some of the reasons that it's difficult for our practice to come in line with our doctrine?
4. Where does this passage address the need for right practice and doctrine?
5. Peter's actions are driven by the fear of others, where have you seen fear to drive your actions?
6. How does Christ's righteousness free us to be honest? Honest with what and with whom?
7. Ryan said that we should desire for "our church to be a place where sinners are welcome." Why is this hard for us? How does it challenge us in our practices, ethos, attitudes, etc?

Sermon Outline:
1. Our Fear of Gospel Community
   A. Fear of what people might think about us (vv. 11-16)
   B. Fear of what people might do without us (vv. 17-18)

2. Our Freedom in Gospel Community
   A. From hypocrisy to honesty (vv. 15-16)
   B. From duty to delight (vv. 20-21)

Sunday, February 15, 2015

"Gospel Celebration" - Revelation 5 (February 15, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage.
2. What were characteristics that we see in this passage that inform our worship?
3. What is the significance of the images of the Lion and the Lamb in this passage?
4. Ryan said that we can often approach worship as either inspirational or instructional, what is a better way to think of worship?
5. Why is worship necessary for us?
6. What is hindering you from approaching worship as celebration?

MP 1: The pattern of worship
   A. Reflects the whole counsel of God
   B. Tells the whole story
   C. Engages the whole person
   D. Involves the whole family
MP 2: The person of worship
   A. The Lion
   B. The Lamb
MP 3: The purpose of worship
   A. Reorient praise
   B. Restore perspective
   C. Remember identity
   D. Reinvigorate mission

Monday, February 9, 2015

"Deep Roots. Wide Reach." - Genesis 12:1-3 (February 8, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage.
2. What is the word that is used over and over again throughout these verses?
3. What are the ways that God has blessed us and how are we to be responsible with these blessings?
4. This vision helps us resist a life that is too shallow and too narrow. Where are places in scripture where God's people fall victim to a shallow or narrow life?
5. How can you deepen your faith and broaden your reach?
6. How does knowing the end of the story help us to live today?

Sermon Outline:
1. An Unoriginal Vision
   A. Blessed
   B. To be a blessing
2. An Unbalanced Life
   A. Too Shallow
   B. Too Narrow
3. An Unfolding Story

Monday, February 2, 2015

"Good News for Hagar" - Genesis 16 (February 1, 2015)

1. Have someone in the group read the passage.
2. Where in the passage do we see rejection and the response to rejection?
3. Think for a moment about the times when you've been rejected, why do these times in our life stand out so much?
4. Where in the passage do we see acceptance and who is the one providing the acceptance?
5. Ryan talked about how God hears the afflicted. Why is this hard for us to believe and why is this comforting?
6. Which voice had more power in this passage, the voice of rejection or the voice of gospel acceptance? How does this change how we move into the hard places of our life?

Sermon outline:
1. The Pain of Rejection
   a. Arrogance
   b. Abuse
   c. Abandonment
2. The Power of Acceptance
   a. God wants the discarded
   b. God hears the afflicted
   c. God sees the unnoticed

Monday, January 26, 2015

"Outlandish Promises for Ordinary People" - Genesis 15 (January 25, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage.
2. What are the promises that God makes to Abram in this passage?
3. What are some of the hinderances Abram was confronted with that would prevent him from believing?
4. How do we see God drawing towards Abram?
5. The passage details the covenant ceremony, what is occurring in this ceremony?
6. Where are the places in your life that you're needing God to be your shield (where you're feeling vulnerable)?
7. How does this passage assure us that God will be our help?

1. Why our faith languishes
   a. Contradicting Circumstances
   b. Deferred fulfillment
2. Where our faith leads
   a. God moves towards us
   b. God is beyond us
   c. God is with us

Sunday, January 11, 2015

"God's Persistent Grace" - Genesis 12:10-13:18 (January 11, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage.
2. What are some of your impressions of Abraham because of this passage?
3. How do we see Abraham "messing up" and "missing opportunities"?
4. Where is God's grace evident to Abraham in this passage?
5. Where are the places in your life that you live with "what if?"
6. How does God's grace help us to be free from the "what ifs?"
7. Spend sometime praying together that you would find motivation to repent, trust, and follow God by his grace.

God's persistent grace
1. When we mess up
2. When we miss opportunities