Monday, May 24, 2021

Acts 1:8, 2:1-17, 32-41; Ephesians 4:1-3 "To Be Continued: Pentecost" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                              Sermon Discussion Questions


    1) After reading over the passages again, what are you reminded about the role of the Holy Spirit?


  2) Are there other places in Scripture (in Old Testament) where you see the work of the Holy Spirit?


 3) Sermon quote: "The Holy Spirit shows up as promised and shows up in power." Is this comforting to you? How have you seen the Holy Spirit work in your daily life?


4) Quote: "The Holy Spirit is the missionary spirit sent out by the missionary Father and the missionary Son, breathing life and power into God's missionary Church." (Michael Oh) Where do we see evidence of this "sending out" in the Bible? How does this change the way we think about the Holy Spirit in our lives today?


5) Are there moments throughout your day that you live as if the Holy Spirit never showed up? Can you share some examples?


6) Sermon quote: "We need moment by moment the power of the Holy Spirit to move us through the day and remind us of the gospel." How is this truth comforting/challenging to you?


Monday, May 17, 2021

Hebrews 4:14-16, 7:23-27 "To Be Continued: He Intercedes" Rev. Greg Meyer




                                                     Sermon Discussion Questions



1) Sermon quote: We have been saved by Jesus but we are inherently imperfect. We are declared righteous but inherently unrighteous. This is why we need Christ as our intercessor." How does this truth encourage you? Is it challenging to you at all?


2) What do we learn about Jesus and our relationship with Him in these passages?


3) Jesus preserves us and prepares us to be with Him. What has that looked like in your life? 


4) Bulletin quote: "Intercession is the constant hitting 'refresh' of our justification in the court of heaven...The intercession of Christ is His heart connecting our heart to the Father's heart." Is this surprising to you? The realization that Jesus is always interceding for us can change the way we live daily. What can be some examples of this change?


5) How do we join in God's work of intercession for His people? What can that look like in our home and work life?  

Monday, May 10, 2021

Acts 2:32-36, Ephesians 1:19-23 "To Be Continued: He Reigns" Rev. Chris Smith




                                            Sermon Discussion Questions


     1) In observing, what does the Acts passage teach us about the resurrected Jesus? 


  2) What does the Ephesians passage say about Jesus?


     2) Christ's work on the cross is complete. He rules over all things. And He is waiting for His Church to be with Him. How do these truths encourage you? How can these truths change the way we interact with the world around us?


   3) Bulletin quote: "The ascension establishes the age of mission, both because the king is on the throne and because the king is absent." (Tim Chester, The Ascension: Humanity in the Presence of God)  What aspect of the gospel may he be referring to?


  4) Is it surprising to you that we have continued to talk about the ascension? Other observations from this passage or the sermon that were life-giving to you?



Monday, May 3, 2021

Luke 24:50-53, Acts 1: 6-11, Hebrews 6:19-20 "To Be Continued: Ascension" Rev. Ryan Laughlin



                                                   Sermon Discussions


  1) What do these passages remind us about Jesus? Where do we see the all three parts of the Trinity?


   2) Bulletin quote: "If, as the Lamb that had been slain, He bears upon His Person the marks of Calvary. He also bears in His heart the memories of Cana of Galilee, of Simon's house, of the spot outside the little town of Bethany where Mary wept beside her brother's grave and He wept with her." How does the life of Jesus encourage you in your life now?

  3) What does it mean that Jesus has gone as a forerunner for His people? 

   4) What does it mean for Jesus to be the "champion of heaven"? 

  5) "In Adam we were cast out of God's presence, in Jesus, we are brought back into His presence."  How is this truth good news for our lives?