Monday, August 30, 2021

John 21:15-23 "Restorative Encounter" Rev. Ryan Laughlin



                                         Sermon Discussion Questions


   1) What questions does Jesus ask Peter?  


  2) What else does Jesus tell Peter as they talk?


  3) What was the significance of this conversation to Peter personally? 

   4) What do we think Jesus will say to us when we fail or hurt His heart? How does He actually respond to us in our failure/betrayal of love?

   5) How do we respond to those in our lives who fail us? 

    6) What does having restorative encounters with those in our lives look like?


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

John 18:33-19:16 "What You Give Up to Get It" Rev. Greg Meyer



                                                     Sermon Discussion Questions


   1) What were the questions that Pilate asked Jesus? What were His answers? 


    2) How did Pilate respond to Jesus and His truthful responses?

    3) What are the areas in our lives that make it hard to slow down and see Jesus? (ie career, image, wealth, etc) "What are the Caesar's in your life? (sermon quote)


    4) "We give up our integrity often to get what we want. Jesus Christ never did that. He kept His integrity because He loves us. He kept His integrity to give us a new and better name." (Sermon quote) How is this truth encouraging to you in your daily life? Is it encouraging?

   5) What was Jesus referring to when He said His kingdom was not of this world? How are we participants in this kingdom?







Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Mark 10:17-34 "Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                                 Sermon Discussion Questions



 1) What questions do we see the rich young ruler asking Jesus? 


 2) How did Jesus respond to each question? What questions did Jesus ask him?


 3) Sermon quote: "If the rich young ruler is so secure in his status, wealth, etc...why is he even coming to Jesus in the first place?" 


 4) What is our inheritance that Jesus has won for us? What is He calling you to give away?


 5) What is the difference in living for an inheritance that we achieve vs living for an inheritance that we receive?


 6) How does living for an inheritance that we receive change us specifically?


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Mark 10:13-16, "Jesus and Children" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                         Sermon Discussion Questions


    1) What do we learn about Jesus in this passage?


   2) How did Jesus receive the children? What was the response of the disciples?


   3) What was happening before and after this occasion? Who was Jesus addressing in the audience?


   4)  How do we put into practice caring for the children in our church? in our lives?  


   5) What does receiving a child in humility look like? How can receiving children be beneficial to us as a church family?