Monday, March 29, 2021

Job 38-42 "When God Answers" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                   Sermon Discussion Questions


   1) What does this passage teach us about God? How does God respond to Job? What questions does He ask Job?


   2)  What can we learn from Job's response to what God asks him?


  3) Sermon quote: "Every family system has a way that they deal with pain and suffering that shapes our approach to it as an adult." How were you formed by pain and suffering growing up? 

4) "Being quiet and still with ourselves can be disruptive sometimes."  We see other verses like Psalm 46:10, asking us to be still and quiet. Is it difficult to make time for these moments? Do we find ourselves dreading being still and quiet?

5) What was Job's conclusion/response at the end of Job? The word "repent" found in Job 42:6 can also be translated "comfort". Do we ever think of the process of repenting as being comforting? Who/What makes it possible for Job to comforted despite his circumstances?





Monday, March 22, 2021

Job (2:11-13, 3-27) "Comforting with Care" Rev Greg Meyer


                                                Sermon Discussion Questions



 1) What did Job's friends say to him at first? Did their tone change over the course of the book of Job?

 2) Can you remember a time when you were comforted well by someone? What was helpful? Can you remember a time when you were not comforted well? What did that look like?

3) Are there folks in your life that you feel need to be comforted? How can we learn from Job's story how to comfort others with wisdom?


4) The greatest tragedy (the death of Jesus on the cross)  God turned to good. Has this comforted you? What does this teach us about the character of God?


5) What are some takeaways from Elihu's speech that we can learn from?


6) Bulletin quote: "Christians are responsible for care; God is responsible for the cure. What Christian caregivers so is prepare the ground for the Great Curegiver." (Ken Haughk, Founder/Director of Stephen Ministries) What about this quote resonates with you? Do you agree with it?


Monday, March 15, 2021

Job 19 "The God Who Can Handle Our Questions" Rev Ryan Laughlin




                                               Sermon Discussion Questions



    1)  After reading over Job 19, what are some of the questions Job asks? Do you see the theme of the questions shifting as you read thru?

   2) We see other examples of showing our emotions to God in times of pain, fear and hurt. Psalm 10:1, Psalm 22, Psalm 44, Psalm 60, Psalm 74, Psalm 79. Take a little time to read over these. Do these help you shape your laments and questions toward the Lord in times of crisis? Do you have any other passages you find comforting/helpful in shaping your laments?

 3) Bulletin quote: "Lament is the voice of that pain, whether for oneself, for one's people, or simply for the mountain of suffering of humanity and creation itself. Lament is the voice of faith struggling to live with unanswered questions and unexplained suffering. God not only understands and accepts such lament; God has given us words in the Bible to express it! An over-flowing abundance of such words." (Chris Wright) Is this encouraging to you? Is any part of it challenging to you?

 4) It seems like in our culture we are not good "lamenters" or good at sharing/expressing pain, hurt and fear. Why do you think it is hard for us to share? What are some obstacles to being more emotionally/spiritually vulnerable with each other?


  5) What are some of our obstacles in taking our laments to the Lord? How does the truth of God accepting you and laying His life down for you when you were at your worst challenge these obstacles?




Monday, March 8, 2021

Job 1-2:10 "Traffic Wreck Theology" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                                Sermon Discussion Questions


     1) What does this section of Job teach us about God? How do we see God's sovereignty on display in this passage?


    2) In a nutshell, what is this section of Job about? Who are the main characters and what are they doing?


    3) Sermon quote: "Wisdom is required in all stages/times in our lives, but especially in times of crisis when there seems to be no way in front of us." Have you experienced this need for heavenly wisdom in times of difficulties? Can you name some of those times?


   4)  What is Satan's (the Accuser) main goal in Job's life that we see revealed in these first 2 chapters?

   5) In times of great pain and crisis, how/why are we able to chose to answer the Lord by worshiping Him instead of cursing Him to His face? Does that mean we dismiss our sadness/pain?



Monday, March 1, 2021

John 17:13-19, Acts 13:1-3 "Will you answer the call to be a blessing to others?" Dr. Owen Tarantino




                                                         Sermon Discussion Questions


1) What does this section of John remind us about believers engagement in the world? 


2) Sermon quote: "It is easy for us to be comfortable in our American churches. What our culture craves is comfort, control, power and safety. We want these things in our church/ministry settings also." Talk about this with the group. Does this resonate with you? 

3) Does knowing who Jesus is and what He has done for us change our daily interactions with God, ourselves, our neighbors and His creation? What can this look like practically in our lives?


4) We have been blessed by God because of the saving grace of Jesus, so that our response is to go be a blessing to others. What are some ways we can "get ready" to go out and be a blessing to others?


5) What does the section on Acts 13 tell us about our life in the Church? What can it look like for a church body to be a blessing to others?