Monday, January 28, 2013

The Glory and the Dream [Luke 9:28-45]

The Glory and the Dream [Luke 9:28-45]

What are some of the ways we sedate ourselves to the glory of God around us?

How are we groggy, sleepy, and tempted to set up camp?

What is Jesus response to Peter's idea to setting up camp?

What is Jesus response to the doubt surrounding him in 9:37-44?

 In 9:44 Jesus points his disciples, who were doubting, to the cross. In moments of doubt, why is it hard to find solace in the cross? What is the power of Jesus death on the cross in moments of doubt? 

Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click here to listen!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Following the King [Luke 9:18-27]

Following the King [Luke 9:18-27]

Sermon Discussion Questions

Public confessions from the famous prompt big life questions, can we ask these questions of ourselves? Is what you are pursuing is it worth it?

There is only one thing worth pursuing with our lives, it isn't the perfect family, success, score, job, relationship, only following Jesus is worth all the sacrifice. What did Ryan say Jesus offers to us that is worth pursuing?

Jesus asks us to define our relationship with him. Jesus asks the question, "eyeball to eyeball" who do you say that I am?

Jesus has promised life in freedom, freedom from what and freedom for what?

Ryan told a story of a man who could own all the land he could cover in a day, how did the story end and how did Ryan connect this story with what Jesus says?

Didn't get a chance to listen to the sermon? Click here to listen!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Kingdom Ambassadors [Luke 9:1-17]

Kingdom Ambassadors [Luke 9:1-17]
Sermon Discussion Questions

Many of the fairy tales we know of have been sanitized from their original gory detail. In what ways do we sanitize the world and the brokenness of the people in it? 

Ryan said that Jesus gave us an announcement to make, not advice to give. What a challenge! How have you witnessed both an announcement being made, and advice being given? What is the difference between the two?

We all know the 'Christianise' talk about who we rely on in life. Christian talk is easy in the midst of comfort. 
But what is it that brings us joy, comfort, and hope in the toughest of times? 

"Actions speak louder than words, but actions and words speak loudest together" Jesus told the crowds the gospel, and then showed the gospel by feeding the crowds. Jesus heals, casts out demons, he is whetting our appetite for the kingdom that is coming. We are included in delivering this preview to the world around us. Does this feel like one more thing to add to our calendar? How did Ryan challenge us to think about our participation in sharing Jesus message?

How can we change the way we think about our participation in Jesus message?

Didn't get a chance to listen to the sermon? Click here to listen!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Searching for Jesus [Luke 2:41-53]

Search for Jesus [Luke 2:41-53]
Sermon Discussion Questions

Mary and Joesph passionately pursued Jesus like any parent would. What are some of the temptations that get in the way of our own pursuit of Jesus?

Does Jesus bring out a passionate search in you? Have you stopped passionately pursuing Jesus?

What was special about the way how Jesus learned in the temple? What was different about it than perhaps our own way of learning spiritual things? Luke 2:46-47

Our lives are filled with things that Jesus does as Lord of our lives that causes us to question him like Mary in Luke 2:48. Ryan named two ways how Jesus response comforts Mary and us, what are they?  

Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click here to listen!