Monday, May 25, 2020

“The Church Never Closes” Acts 13:1-12 Rev. Ryan Laughlin

                                                 Sermon Discussion Questions

      1) After reading over the passage, can you summarize what events took place in the first section of Acts 13. 

    2) More specifically, who was in the church at Antioch? 

   3) Sermon quote: “God’s mission is to find and bring home those sons and daughters who are lost. God’s mission goes on 24/7. The mission of God is the reason for our lives.” How do you see this mission playing out through the rest of scripture? 

  4) How does God’s mission inform the Church in Antioch? How do we see it being/acting counter-cultural?

 5) Think of all the ways Christians are being divided right now. We have been given a unique opportunity to lay down our differences. How does the love of Christ shape how we treat each other in our current cultural moment? Can you discuss with the group what that could like in practical ways?

6) “When it comes to His (God) mission, God is the one Who does the heavy-lifting.” We see the evidence of God’s divine orchestration in this passage in bringing different people together. Can you recall a time in your life when God brought people into to come along side you to point you to the love of Christ? Have there been times when God as orchestrated you to encourage others in this way?

Monday, May 18, 2020

“Actually, You Were Never in Control” Acts 12 Rev. Ryan Laughlin

                                        Sermon Discussion Questions

  1) In this passage, we see that not everyone is excited to see the church growing and expanding. But we also see the church responding to difficult situations.  In Acts 12:1-25, what is going on? Who are the people in this narrative and what is each person doing?

2) Specifically in verse 2, how do we see Herod using his power?
What is Peters’s response to the horrible situation he has been place in? (Vs 6)

3) As image-bearers we are given a certain element of control (having dominion, being creative, etc) but that sense of control can get warped and twisted. Who in this passage is seduced by the “illusion of control”? 

4) A better response instead of being “seduced by the illusion of control” is to be “strengthened by the God who is in control.” What are some ways we can do this?

5) Sermon quote: “When we pray, we are saying, ‘We aren’t in control, but God is in control.” How has prayer aided this area in your personal life?

6) We need each other to remind us that in times of horrible situations, we can trust that the God who holds all things together, holds us close to His heart. Do we have people in our lives who remind us of that truth? How can we be that person to other people?

7) In salvation, Jesus takes control of what we cannot control. Just as Peter was set free from a literal prison, we are set free from our chains of sin, our sentence of death is removed and we are able to walk in the freedom of God’s grace. This is good news! Does this good news change the way we live now?

Monday, May 11, 2020

“What Is In a Name?” Acts 11:1-30 Rev. Chris Smith

                                 Sermon Discussion Questions

1) In a nutshell, what is Peter reporting about what God is doing in the Church in this passage?

2) This crisis of unity between the Gentiles and Jews is one that dominates a lot of the New Testament. How do we see the Church responding to God’s call of unity throughout this passage?

3) We see Barnabas being used by God in Acts 11. What specifically is Barnabas doing? How did he respond to the Lord’s calling on the Church?

4) Read over Acts 11:18. Take note of that tiny word “also.” Bringing Gentiles into the plan of God’s salvation and His Church was not what some early believers had in mind. How do we react when God inserts an “also” into “our” plans?

5) Sermon quote: “When God moves His Church, He calls our hearts, feet and hands to respond. He calls our whole selves.” Is this encouraging to you? Where do you feel God calling you specifically to serve and grow right now?

Sunday, May 3, 2020

“We Are All in This Together” Acts 10:24-48 Rev. Ryan Laughlin

                                    Sermon Discussion Questions

  1) As you read over the passage, we see that Peter was met by an unusual greeting. How did Cornelius greet him? What was Peter’s response?

  2) In verse 28 what does Peter share he has learned about other people? Peter goes on to share who that good news of Christ includes. What is his message in verses 34-36?

 3) As creatures created by God, we are all made in His image. How do these truths change the way we see and treat others? How do these truths change the way we see and treat ourselves?

4) Not only are we united as fellow image-bearers with the same Creator, but as believers we are also united to each other with our union in Christ. How can we live out this truth right now in our lives? How can we seek unity within our “arms reach for the sake of Christ?”

5) Reflect on how Jesus spanned the division between you and God.