Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Romans 13 "Navigating New Relationships" Rev. Greg Meyer




                                 Sermon Discussion Questions


  1) Being a Jesus follower changes us but also changes all of our relationships. Which relationships in particular does Paul address in this chapter?


 2) What are our responsibilities in regards to our state?


 3) What does Paul say about our neighbor and how we are to treat them?


 4) How does a believer respond to the culture?


 5) Bulletin quote: "Law and love need each other. Love needs law for its direction, while law needs love for its inspiration." (John Stott) How does this help us understand our reaction to live out Romans 13? 

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Romans 12:9-21 "What's Love got to do with it?" Rev. Chris Smith


                                       Sermon Discussion Questions

 1) What does Paul say about love throughout this passage?

 2) Why is it difficult for our love to be sincere and genuine sometimes?

 3) What type of "competition" is Paul describing in Romans 12?

 4) What does John 4 say about love? Who is our source of love?

 5) How has the love of God changed the way you live and love others?