Monday, September 24, 2012

The King in Battle [Luke 4:1-13]

Monday, September 24 2012

The King in Battle [Luke 4:1-13]

Sermon Discussion Questions

  • The battle of temptation that we are involved in is very close to home. Ryan was illustrating how involved with the battle of temptation we are through the story of Tom the World War Two pilot. We actually have connection to the most important battle of all time. Do you feel like you are involved in the intense battle of temptation like Jesus was? 
  • There was a C.S. Lewis quote given in the reflection "We never find out the strength of the evil impulse inside us until we try to fight it". What does suffering against temptation look like? What does it feel like? What are some of the hardships that come with fighting against temptation? 
  • We are more vulnerable to temptation at some times more than at others. Jesus was most brutally attacked when he was most physically weak. What times are you most vulnerable to attack? Can you detect patterns of when you come under attack of temptation?
  • Ryan told the story of the Civil War General who got the information about the enemy army but the general didn't think he could trust the information. We know the timing and tactis of Satan's attacks. How can we use this good information against Satan's attacks?
  • The sermon wasn't just about "Be like Jesus". Jesus is certainly a good example of what it looks like to actually fight viciously with temptation, how does Jesus inspire you to fight temptation and does Jesus does more than just inspire? 

Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click here to listen now!

Monday, September 17, 2012

The King Arrives [Luke 3:1-22]

Monday, September 17 2012

The King Arrives [Luke 3:1-22]

Sermon Discussion Questions

  • Ryan began by pointing out the dilemma of humility. What are some of the ways in which it is hard to recognize humility in our own lives? Is it easier to recognize humility in others than in ourselves? 
  • What are some things we say to ourselves when we try to humble ourselves? Do we think of ourselves as "miserable" or "less than others" or "scum of the earth"? 
  • John's mission was to promote Jesus, he wasn't thinking less of himself or others, he was simply thinking more of Jesus. This humility of living the ways things are actually frees us. Ryan mentioned two things humility frees us from, what does humility in Christ free us from? What are some areas of life in which those two burdens weigh heaviest? 
  • No one will ever mistake any of us for being Jesus or calling us "Big M Messiah", but plenty of people in our lives think of us as "small m messiah". What are some harmful side effects of trying to be small m messiah for other people? 
  • Since none of us are Jesus, we will end of disappointing one another at one point or another. Is this true in the church as well? How can humility help us as we disappoint others and ourselves and are disappointed by others and ourselves?
Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click here to listen!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday. September 10, 2012

Too Good to Be True [Luke 1:1-4]

Sermon Discussion Questions

  • Ryan mentioned that both the presidential conventions took place recently. Often we Americans are sceptical and even cynical about news and reports. We can be sceptical of anything that claims to have authority out of a fear of propagating an agenda or simple disbelief. How does this impact us as we come to the Bible and what does Luke 1:1-4 say about itself as a reliable history?
  • C.S. Lewis certainly knew the difference between a myth and history. What are some key differences between myth and the history of the Bible?
  • Have you ever read, or hear someone challenge the trustworthiness of the Bible? What are some doubtful passages have you heard others call silly, crazy, or myth? What is challenging in believing and sharing the story of the bible in a cynical environment? 
  • Do you know someone who loves to eat pizza? Or someone who has really bad breath? These are little details that get included in stories we tell about the people in our lives, do the details of Luke's gospel matter? How so? Do the details affirm spiritual truths or historical realities? 
  • What is the difference between good news and good advice? Do other religions give good news or good advice? 
  • Ryan finished by asking if we were ready to go on this adventure together hearing the good news of Luke's gospel. Do you want in your daily life more good advice coupled with the good news? How do you struggle between living in a Christian way while still remembering the good news of Jesus?

Haven't heard the sermon yet? Click here to listen!