Sermon Discussion Questions
1) Sermon quote: We have been saved by Jesus but we are inherently imperfect. We are declared righteous but inherently unrighteous. This is why we need Christ as our intercessor." How does this truth encourage you? Is it challenging to you at all?
2) What do we learn about Jesus and our relationship with Him in these passages?
3) Jesus preserves us and prepares us to be with Him. What has that looked like in your life?
4) Bulletin quote: "Intercession is the constant hitting 'refresh' of our justification in the court of heaven...The intercession of Christ is His heart connecting our heart to the Father's heart." Is this surprising to you? The realization that Jesus is always interceding for us can change the way we live daily. What can be some examples of this change?
5) How do we join in God's work of intercession for His people? What can that look like in our home and work life?
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