1. Have someone in the group read the passage.
2. Where in the passage do we see rejection and the response to rejection?
3. Think for a moment about the times when you've been rejected, why do these times in our life stand out so much?
4. Where in the passage do we see acceptance and who is the one providing the acceptance?
5. Ryan talked about how God hears the afflicted. Why is this hard for us to believe and why is this comforting?
6. Which voice had more power in this passage, the voice of rejection or the voice of gospel acceptance? How does this change how we move into the hard places of our life?
Sermon outline:
1. The Pain of Rejection
a. Arrogance
b. Abuse
c. Abandonment
2. The Power of Acceptance
a. God wants the discarded
b. God hears the afflicted
c. God sees the unnoticed
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