Sunday, December 13, 2015

"Stranger in the World" - John 1:9-11 (December 13, 2015)

1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. Look at vv. 1-8, what are some of the amazing ways that we're told about Jesus in these verses? How would we expect someone like this to be welcomed?
3. Contrast our expectations in vv. 1-8 with how he really was received in vv. 9-11.
4. Why was it important that Jesus was "in" the world? How does his life reflect his in-ness?
5. How is Jesus depicted as one of obscurity in this passage?
6. Why is it important that Jesus embraced and embodied obscurity for us?
7. Where are the places that you can spend yourself as a response to Jesus giving himself for you?

Sermon Outline:

1. Creator in the world
   a. Illumination
   b. Immersion

2. Stranger in the world
   a. Unknown
   b. Unwelcome

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