1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. What are the "big" questions that you're asking regarding life, purpose, etc? What do you do when those questions aren't immediately answered?
3. Why are the answers that God gives to Isaac and Rebekah both comforting and confusing?
4. Where in the passage do we see a striving for both comparison and competence among the Jacob and Esau?
5. Do you find yourself striving for one (comparison / competence)? How does this play out in your life? What is the reason for your striving?
6. Where do our strivings for answers, achievements, and acceptance find resolve? Where is one area in your life that you can rest in God for answers, achievement, or acceptance this week?
Sermon Outline:
1. Answers
a. Comforting answers
b. Confusing answers
2. Achievements
a. Comparison
b. Competence
3. Acceptance
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