Monday, March 27, 2017

Ezekiel 27: True Sadness

1. Reread Ezekiel 27

2. Identify the context: how would you summarize the theme of chapters 1-32? What shifts in chapter 25 and continues to chapter 32?

3. How does Ezekiel deal with Tyre in chapter 26? Why does he deal with them in this way (Hint: 26:2)?

4. Why would Ezekiel waste his breath pronouncing a lamentation over Tyre when chapter 26 condemns them and chapter 28 judges them?

5. What is Ezekiel fascinated by in Tyre, seen in verses 1-25? What fascinates you about our world today?

6. Why does Tyre go down like a ship (verses 26-36)? Is this a tragedy for more than just the city of Tyre? Is it a tragedy for Ezekiel or for God?

7. Does sin make you weep? Are you seeing the tragic scenes around you or in you, or are you avoiding them? How can you break down the walls around you to really listen and see the tragic scenes of your friends, family, and neighbors?  

8. How has Christ grieved over the tragedy of sin and what has he done about it?

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Ezekiel 13: You're hearing voices

1. Reread Ezekiel 13

2. Explore the context of this passage: Why is God doing different signs and acts in chapter 12? What message does chapter 12 conclude with (v. 28)?

3. In chapter 13, what are the destructive/false voices saying? How are they harming the people of God (hint: three things)?

4. What false voices have harmed you? What false voices have you used or shared to harm others?

5. What is the true voice? How does the passage characterize the voice of truth (hint: two things)? Give verses and be specific.

6. Share specific stories of times where you clutched the voice of truth, which is found only in Jesus.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Ezekiel 11:14-25 - Owner of a Lovely Heart

1. Reread the passage.

2. Name a few important notes on the context of this passage from previous sermons and from chapters 10-11. Why does it seem surprising that verses 14-25 appear here?

3. From the passage, where is God building a "new family"?

4. What is being redeemed by the "new family," both historically and spiritually?

5. What is the Hebrew concept of the heart, is it just the emotions of love and hate? What other passages in the Old Testament describe the need for a new heart?

6. Why do we need a new heart of flesh (v. 19)? Think in historical terms for both Israel and the church. Where are the needs of a new heart the same and different between Israel and the church?

7. How do we receive this new heart? Does this come in the time of Ezekiel, during Jesus' life, around the time of the early church, at the end of time, or all four?