Monday, February 24, 2014

February 23, 2014: Philippians 4:1-3: Called Out for Good

1.  What is the difference between the biblical concepts of forgiveness versus reconciliation?  Can you have one without the other?  

2. What makes it difficult for us to love those whom we disagree?

3.  What were some of the diagnostic questions that Ryan encouraged us to consider before we bring an offense to someone?  Why are these particular questions helpful?

4.  How does the gospel free us to pursue reconciliation in our relationships?  Specifically, how does the promise that our names are written in the "Book of Life" (v. 3) empower us to reconcile with others?  See also Revelation 3:5 and Luke 10:20.

5.  Ryan suggested that sometimes it is more unloving to not confront someone rather than to confront them.  Why is this the case? Read Proverbs 27:5-6 for further reflection on this theme. 

6.  Spend some time praying for one another, that God might assist you in pursuing reconciliation out of love, with humility, and in response to Jesus reconciling us to God.  

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 16, 2014: Philippians 3:17-21: Why the Church Needs You and You Need the Church

{Leader's Note: You may want to have the group read Donald Miller's blog post referenced in the sermon.  Find it here:}

1. Prior to the sermon, what would you have said was the reason you come to church?

2. Who are the people who have modeled / imitated the Christian life for you (v. 17)?  What are things you've learned from them?

3.  Can you think of a non-believing friend or family member whom you may have dismissed in your heart?  What would it look like to move  towards this person instead of withdrawing?  How do we begin to weep for our unbelieving friends? 

4.  Where do you feel like you find your main source of community?  If it isn't at church, why do you think that is?  If it is at church, what makes it that way for you?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Feb 9: Philippians 3:11-16 The Race of Your Life

1.  Is the metaphor of the Christian life as a race helpful for you?  Why or why not?

2. What are the things in your life that divert your focus from the Lord?  What is appealing about these things?  

3. Do you find yourself running blind (without a clear motivation for your Christian life)?  Or running scared (trying to 'keep up appearances' out of fear of what people will think)?  Or are you running free? 

4. What should motivate us to run the Christian life?  Why?


Monday, February 3, 2014

2/2/14: "Do the Math" (Philippians 3:1-11)

Discussion Questions for “Do the Math” (Philippians 3:1-11), February 2, 2014
  1. In light of this passage, how do you think would Paul would have answered this question, "How was it that the thing you liked best about yourself was your biggest spiritual problem?" (This question originates from Pastor Brian Habig.  If you are interested, you can listen to the complete sermon here:  Click ‘Launch Jukebox‘ and select the sermon “Justification-1-week 2”).    
  2. Are you more prone to ‘shaky confidence’ (unsure of God’s love of you) or ‘stoic confidence’ (unfeeling or unmoved by God’s love)?  How does Paul encourage us to have a ‘sure confidence‘ in Jesus? 
  3. What does Paul mean by knowing the ‘power of the resurrection?’  How would our daily lives change by knowing this power?
  4. How does this passage challenge you personally to view your relationship with God as more than a transaction? 
  5. How can our church community help each other to resist false confidences?