Monday, December 13, 2021

Luke 1:39-56 "Joyfully Waiting" Rev. Ryan Laughlin



                                              Sermon Discussion 


1)  What does Mary say about the Lord in this passage? What is she joyful about?


 2) Do we associate joy and waiting together? What does joyfully waiting for the Lord look like in our lives?


 3) We see Mary magnifying the Lord and sharing her joy in community. Is that a challenge in your life? How can we share joy in community?


4) In the midst of the sadness how can we hold both joy and sorrow together? Is it possible?


5) Why is it good news that Jesus is Immanuel, God with us?


Monday, December 6, 2021

Luke 1:26-38 "Humbly Waiting" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                                    Sermon Discussion Questions


  1) "Jesus came leaving behind what He deserved to give us what we don't deserve." (sermon quote) How do we see that being explained in this passage?


 2) "Even before going to the cross, Jesus had given up a lot to be one of us." (sermon quote) How does this change your life? Does it foster an attitude of Thanksgiving?


 3)  What was Mary's response to Gabriel in this passage? 


  4) What would it look like to live under the reign of Jesus? Would it change our posture towards obedience and our love of others?


 5) What does this section teach us about Jesus?


 6) What does the world/our hearts tell us we need in order to be happy? What actually will be cause us to flourish? 


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Romans 6:15-23 "Choose Your Chains" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                                               Sermon Discussion Questions


     1)  After reading this passage, what are we reminded about sin? How does it destroy our freedom?


    2) How does the good news of the gospel and the work of Christ free us? 


    3) What does our freedom in Christ look like in our daily lives? What does it look like in our relationships, worship, inner-lives, etc?


   4) Even though we have been delivered from the power of sin, it doesn't mean that sin is still not a struggle. How do you see Jesus working/redeeming/growing you in this way? What does Romans 7 say about this reality of being free in Christ?


  5)  What stops us from really believing that Jesus died for our sins and we are no longer condemned because of it? How does the truth that sin does not own in your daily relationship with Jesus, others, yourself, the world?

Monday, November 15, 2021

Romans 6:1-14 "Bike with No Brakes" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                                    Sermon Discussion Questions


1) After reading over this passage, what does Paul tell us about grace?


2) What does it mean for a believer to have be in Christ? (union with Christ) What are the benefits?


3) How can we make time to reflect on our being baptized with Christ, being crucified and being raised? How does this truth change our current daily lives?


4)  "Just because we are positionally dead to sin does not mean we are practically immune to it." (sermon quote) What does this mean for a believer? How is the work of Christ good news in this endeavor?


5) How can we use our bodies as an "instrument of righteousness?" 

Monday, November 8, 2021

Romans 5:12-21 "Were Not the Right Man on Our Side" Rev. Ryan Laughlin



                                                Sermon Discussion Questions


1) How does this passage compare Adam and Christ as our representatives? 


2) What do we gain with Jesus being our representative? Why does He alone qualify to represent us for salvation, redemption?

3) How does the abounding grace of God influence our daily lives? How does it influence how our relationships with others? Are we quick to be gracious to others?

4) How can we draw from the well of grace in Christ in our lives?

5) "So when we are convinced that “grace reigns,” we will remember that God’s throne is a “throne of grace,” and will come to it boldly for mercy and to find grace for every need." (John Stott) How does this stir your heart? Do we need convincing that grace reigns?



Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Romans 5:1-11 "Always Reforming" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                                           Sermon Discussion Questions


  1) In this passage, we see the work of the Trinity. What are the readers told about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the passage? 


 2) What does Romans 5 teach us about the doctrine of justification?


 3) In your daily you have confidence that you belong to the Lord? What/whom do you base that confidence on?


 4) What does the work of Jesus mean for our standing in grace now and our future glory?


 5) Sermon quote: "When God says He will do something, He will do it." Does this truth encourage you? 


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Romans 3:9-31 "The Humble Brag" Rev. Ryan Laughlin



                                            Sermon Discussion Questions


  1) After reading over the passage again, what does it tell us about righteousness?  What does it tell us about faith?


 2) What is Paul reminding the audience about who God is and what God does in this text? 


 3) Why should we stop bragging about ourselves?


 4) Why should we start bragging about Jesus?


  5) When is it the most challenging to brag about Jesus? Where are some areas in your life where you can brag on Jesus and the work He is doing?

Monday, October 11, 2021

Romans 2:17-3:8 "The Heart, the Spirit and the Letter"




                                                       Sermon Discussion Questions


   1) After reading over this passage again, what does it say about our hearts and the Spirit?


  2) What are some of the questions that are asked through out the passage?


  3) How can being part of God's covenant family lead us to self-sufficient pride and looking down on others? What is Paul's warning/examples about this in Romans?

 4) How does the good news of the gospel help us answer some of the questions posed throughout the passage?


Monday, October 4, 2021

Romans 2:1-16 "Let's All Feel Superior" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                              Sermon Discussion Questions


  1) What does this passage remind us about things that we may struggle with?


 2) Is is easy for us to judge others in our circles? What are areas that God can refine and grow us in these ways?


 3) What would it look like to live out of our Christ righteousness rather than our own self-righteousness?


 4)  What does it look like to "own our sin", "mourn our sin" and "fight our sin"? How does the gospel make these things possible?


5) How does the gospel/good news of Christ help us in our sanctification process and our attitudes of thanksgiving?


Thursday, September 30, 2021

Romans 1:18-32 "The Tragedy of Unbelief (or How it Feels to Get Everything You've Ever Wanted) Rev. Ryan Laughlin





                                                          Sermon Discussion Questions


1) After reading over the text in Romans, what does it tell us about suppressing truth and switching our allegiances? 


2) What are we reminded about God and our relationship with Him in this passage?


3) How does the heavy news about the "wrath of God"  in the section help us as believers?


4)  Bulletin quote: "For when we worship God, we do not worship nothing, we worship anything" (GK Chesterton) Have you seen evidence of this in your own life with different idols?


5)  Are we able to say "no" to the things God says no with tears/compassion? How have we seen the grace of God work in our hearts with our sin? What are some ways we can extend that grace to others in our lives?

Monday, September 20, 2021

John 1:14-18, 2 Corinthians 3:12-18 "Something More Glorious" Rev. Greg Meyer




                                                                Sermon Discussion 


1) What does John 1:14-18 and 2 Corinthians 3:12-18 tell us about God's glory?


2) When we talk about God's glory...what are we talking about? Can you define it?


3)  How does the world define glory? Are there cultural examples from music, movies you can think of as an example?

4) Colossians 1:15-20 What does this passage tell us about the glory of God displayed?

5) How are we as the Church to respond to God's glory?


6)  How do the cross and the resurrection display the glory of God? How do we experience God's glory now as His people?

Monday, September 13, 2021

Romans 1:1-17, "The Gospel of God" Rev. Chris Smith



                                                       Sermon Discussion 


 1) As you read over the passage what are some of the main themes (repeated phrases) that you notice?


2) What is the difference between the gospel being good news and not good advice?


 3)  We see in the passage the source (vs 1-2) of the gospel, substance (vs 3) of the gospel, scope (vs 5)  and the power (vs 3,16) of the gospel.  Discuss in more detail these areas of the gospel with your group.


4) In what way did you see the gospel in a new light after reading over this passage and hearing the sermon?


5)  Bulletin quote: "The message of Romans is not that "man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains", as Rousseau put is rather that human beings are born in sin and slavery, but that Jesus Christ came to set us free. (John Stott) Is this helpful to the way you view yourself in light of the gospel?

Sunday, September 5, 2021

1 Corinthians 7:17-26 "God's Calling" Dr. Dan Doriani



                        Sermon Discussion


1) The experience of calling...what does Paul tell the Corinthians about calling in this passage?


2) Discuss these categories and what they may look like in your context. 

God calling His people (1 Corinthians 7) 

    *God calls us to faith and union with Christ

    *God calls us to places and roles

    *Stay, unless, because...

3) To work in our God-given place may feel right--or wrong. Has this been a challenge to you in your life? Where have you seen God at work in this area of your life? 

4) What are the specific callings in your life? Where are the places/people that God has placed you in?

5)  What does it look like to live faithfully in all our callings?  How can you serve God in your specific calling?

Monday, August 30, 2021

John 21:15-23 "Restorative Encounter" Rev. Ryan Laughlin



                                         Sermon Discussion Questions


   1) What questions does Jesus ask Peter?  


  2) What else does Jesus tell Peter as they talk?


  3) What was the significance of this conversation to Peter personally? 

   4) What do we think Jesus will say to us when we fail or hurt His heart? How does He actually respond to us in our failure/betrayal of love?

   5) How do we respond to those in our lives who fail us? 

    6) What does having restorative encounters with those in our lives look like?


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

John 18:33-19:16 "What You Give Up to Get It" Rev. Greg Meyer



                                                     Sermon Discussion Questions


   1) What were the questions that Pilate asked Jesus? What were His answers? 


    2) How did Pilate respond to Jesus and His truthful responses?

    3) What are the areas in our lives that make it hard to slow down and see Jesus? (ie career, image, wealth, etc) "What are the Caesar's in your life? (sermon quote)


    4) "We give up our integrity often to get what we want. Jesus Christ never did that. He kept His integrity because He loves us. He kept His integrity to give us a new and better name." (Sermon quote) How is this truth encouraging to you in your daily life? Is it encouraging?

   5) What was Jesus referring to when He said His kingdom was not of this world? How are we participants in this kingdom?







Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Mark 10:17-34 "Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                                 Sermon Discussion Questions



 1) What questions do we see the rich young ruler asking Jesus? 


 2) How did Jesus respond to each question? What questions did Jesus ask him?


 3) Sermon quote: "If the rich young ruler is so secure in his status, wealth, etc...why is he even coming to Jesus in the first place?" 


 4) What is our inheritance that Jesus has won for us? What is He calling you to give away?


 5) What is the difference in living for an inheritance that we achieve vs living for an inheritance that we receive?


 6) How does living for an inheritance that we receive change us specifically?


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Mark 10:13-16, "Jesus and Children" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                         Sermon Discussion Questions


    1) What do we learn about Jesus in this passage?


   2) How did Jesus receive the children? What was the response of the disciples?


   3) What was happening before and after this occasion? Who was Jesus addressing in the audience?


   4)  How do we put into practice caring for the children in our church? in our lives?  


   5) What does receiving a child in humility look like? How can receiving children be beneficial to us as a church family?

Monday, July 26, 2021

The Gospel of Judas John 13:13-35, Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                                              Sermon Discussion Questions


  1) How do we see Jesus responding to the betrayal of Judas?


  2) Do we tend to reduce our own sin to just behavior? Do we really think about how personal it is to Jesus?


  3) How have we felt when we have been betrayed in our lives? How does Jesus sympathize with us in this?


  4) How has Jesus dealt with us in our struggles and sins? Can you share times you have experienced His love and forgiveness?


Sunday, July 18, 2021

"How Much the Lord Can Do for You" Mark 5:1-20, Rev. Greg Meyer




                                                                Sermon Discussion 



   1) The reality for this man in the passage is that he was oppressed and possessed. But we also see the town's people were also enslaved by sin. What do we learn from the text about the man and the town?


   2) We live in a secular context where the supernatural is no longer a category in our every day life. In this text, we see how scary/evil Satan and demons can be to this man. But, what do we see Jesus doing? How does He respond to them directly? 


    3) If Jesus can find this man, who is lost and unclean...then He can find you. Do you believe that about yourself? How can that change your daily life as a believer?


   4) What binds/enslaves us from wanting to be known/seen by Jesus?  He has come to unbind us and free us from our sin and being sinned against. 

   5) How much can the Lord do for us? What does vs 18 & 19 tell us? God saved the man then sent him out. He does the same for us too. Where is the mission of God in our daily lives?





Tuesday, July 13, 2021

"Baptize For What?" Matthew 3 by: Pablo Rosales




                                                        Sermon Discussion Question 


   1) After reading over the passage again what are we reminded about Jesus and His ministry? How was the baptism of Jesus different than other baptisms by John the Baptist?

  2) Why does Jesus identify with us?

  3) Do we find ourselves coming to Jesus as a regular rhythm in our lives? If not, what stops you?  

   4) "Jesus identifies with us so that we may be righteous." (Sermon quote) What does that look like in our daily lives? What does that look like as we interact with our neighbors?

  5) Another reason Jesus identifies with us is so that we be like children that belong to Him.Can you name some specific obstacles to this in our lives? Obstacles from within our culture? Obstacles from within our own hearts and stories?






Monday, June 28, 2021

"Sought & Saved" Luke 19:1-10 Dr. Ligon Duncan




                                              Sermon Discussion Questions


     1) Based on what the text says about Zacchaeus, why does he seem like an unlikely candidate to receive God's grace?


    2) How does Zacchaeus respond to Jesus?


   3) How did the crowd respond to the interaction between Jesus and Zacchaeus? Have there been times in your own life where you have a sad reaction to others encountering Jesus?


   4)  How do you see Jesus being the seeking Savior in this passage? How has Jesus pursued you in your life?


  5) "He is a true son of Abraham because Jesus came and brought him home." (sermon quote) Has this been your experience in your life? or others that you know?



Monday, June 14, 2021

John 3:1-7, John 4:7-19 "Enounters with Jesus: The Outcast and the Insider Rev. Greg Meyer




                                                            Sermon Discussion Questions


    1) After reading over the Samaritan's woman encounter with Jesus, what stands out? How do you see her respond after her interacting with Jesus? How does Jesus approach her?

    2)  Compare that interaction with Nicodemus in John 3. How does Jesus approach Nicodemus? What truth does Jesus remind both the Samaritan woman and Nicodemus?

  3) How has the Jesus corrected and challenged you in your own life,  in times of feeling like an outsider?


  4)  Bulletin quote: "Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God’s grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God’s grace." ( Jack Miller ) This is the heart of the good news of Christ. Has this truth been encouraging you? What barriers may stop you from believing it at times?


  5) What truth about Jesus were you reminded about after reading over these passages?


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

I Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 "To Be Continued: Return" Rev. Ryan Laughlin





                                      Sermon Discussion Questions


1) After reading the passage in 1 Thessalonians, what are we reminded about Jesus and His return?


2) What do we (as His Church) as we wait for the return of Jesus?


3) As we process the grief of this past year, what does grieving with hope look like?


4) When Jesus returns we have not just resurrection, not just reunion but also restoration to look forward to. Is this truth helpful in your daily lives now?


5) What are ways we can be spiritually "sober" and alert as the text says?


6) Sermon quote: "The judge who comes is the One who has been judged for you. That's why Jesus returning is good news." Does this challenge the way you see yourself and others?

Monday, May 24, 2021

Acts 1:8, 2:1-17, 32-41; Ephesians 4:1-3 "To Be Continued: Pentecost" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                              Sermon Discussion Questions


    1) After reading over the passages again, what are you reminded about the role of the Holy Spirit?


  2) Are there other places in Scripture (in Old Testament) where you see the work of the Holy Spirit?


 3) Sermon quote: "The Holy Spirit shows up as promised and shows up in power." Is this comforting to you? How have you seen the Holy Spirit work in your daily life?


4) Quote: "The Holy Spirit is the missionary spirit sent out by the missionary Father and the missionary Son, breathing life and power into God's missionary Church." (Michael Oh) Where do we see evidence of this "sending out" in the Bible? How does this change the way we think about the Holy Spirit in our lives today?


5) Are there moments throughout your day that you live as if the Holy Spirit never showed up? Can you share some examples?


6) Sermon quote: "We need moment by moment the power of the Holy Spirit to move us through the day and remind us of the gospel." How is this truth comforting/challenging to you?


Monday, May 17, 2021

Hebrews 4:14-16, 7:23-27 "To Be Continued: He Intercedes" Rev. Greg Meyer




                                                     Sermon Discussion Questions



1) Sermon quote: We have been saved by Jesus but we are inherently imperfect. We are declared righteous but inherently unrighteous. This is why we need Christ as our intercessor." How does this truth encourage you? Is it challenging to you at all?


2) What do we learn about Jesus and our relationship with Him in these passages?


3) Jesus preserves us and prepares us to be with Him. What has that looked like in your life? 


4) Bulletin quote: "Intercession is the constant hitting 'refresh' of our justification in the court of heaven...The intercession of Christ is His heart connecting our heart to the Father's heart." Is this surprising to you? The realization that Jesus is always interceding for us can change the way we live daily. What can be some examples of this change?


5) How do we join in God's work of intercession for His people? What can that look like in our home and work life?  

Monday, May 10, 2021

Acts 2:32-36, Ephesians 1:19-23 "To Be Continued: He Reigns" Rev. Chris Smith




                                            Sermon Discussion Questions


     1) In observing, what does the Acts passage teach us about the resurrected Jesus? 


  2) What does the Ephesians passage say about Jesus?


     2) Christ's work on the cross is complete. He rules over all things. And He is waiting for His Church to be with Him. How do these truths encourage you? How can these truths change the way we interact with the world around us?


   3) Bulletin quote: "The ascension establishes the age of mission, both because the king is on the throne and because the king is absent." (Tim Chester, The Ascension: Humanity in the Presence of God)  What aspect of the gospel may he be referring to?


  4) Is it surprising to you that we have continued to talk about the ascension? Other observations from this passage or the sermon that were life-giving to you?



Monday, May 3, 2021

Luke 24:50-53, Acts 1: 6-11, Hebrews 6:19-20 "To Be Continued: Ascension" Rev. Ryan Laughlin



                                                   Sermon Discussions


  1) What do these passages remind us about Jesus? Where do we see the all three parts of the Trinity?


   2) Bulletin quote: "If, as the Lamb that had been slain, He bears upon His Person the marks of Calvary. He also bears in His heart the memories of Cana of Galilee, of Simon's house, of the spot outside the little town of Bethany where Mary wept beside her brother's grave and He wept with her." How does the life of Jesus encourage you in your life now?

  3) What does it mean that Jesus has gone as a forerunner for His people? 

   4) What does it mean for Jesus to be the "champion of heaven"? 

  5) "In Adam we were cast out of God's presence, in Jesus, we are brought back into His presence."  How is this truth good news for our lives?

Monday, April 26, 2021

Luke 24:36-49 "Why Are You Troubled?" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                              Sermon Discussion Questions



   1) As you read over this passage again, what are the questions Jesus asks? What else does Jesus say in this portion?


 2) Why do you think the detail about the door being locked is included?


3) There is an abundance of details in this passage. What others do you observe?


4) What does the resurrection of Jesus teach us about living our lives now?


5) Does Jesus asking for some fish surprise you? What about that detail helps us know Jesus better?


6)  How do we as believers "show and tell" God's radical forgiveness and our repentance in our lives? 

Monday, April 19, 2021

2 Corinthians 9:6-11 "Joy of Looking Like Your Father" Dr. Paul Kooistra



                                                           Sermon Discussion 


  1) After reading the passage, what does it say about giving?


  2) Sermon quote: "God loves a cheerful giver because He loves people that look like Him." Was this encouraging to hear? Did it challenge your thoughts on giving?

  3) God gives in abundance. What evidence do you see of this in the world around us? In your own life have you experienced His abundance of provision?

  4) We were made and saved to be generous givers. What are some practical ways we can do this in our lives?

 5) Why do you think it is difficult to talk about what we do with the material things God has given us?

  6) What are some other passages in the Bible that show us God's generosity?



Monday, April 12, 2021

Luke 24:13-35 "Recognizing Jesus" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                                                Sermon Discussion Questions


   1) After reading over Luke 24:13-35, what do we see Jesus doing and saying? What do those interacting with Him do and say?


  2) Are there times when we don't recognize Jesus in our lives? How have we responded to those times?


  3) Sermon quote: "For believers, we recognize Jesus at His best, when we are at our worst." Have you had experience of this at times in your life? How has Jesus helped you recognize Him in difficult times?


  4) In this passage, Jesus breaks bread with them. In a very real sense, He is still breaking bread with us when we come to the table. How do we see/recognize Jesus better when we come the Lord's Supper?


  5) How does being in His Word help us recognize Jesus better? 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Luke 24:1-12 Resurrection Matters Rev. Ryan Laughlin





                                                      Sermon Discussion Questions


   1) After reading over the passage, who are the characters in the narrative? What role do they play?


  2) Why should we care that the resurrection matters?


  3) What significance does the bodily resurrection of Jesus have on His Church? What is encouraging about it?


 4) How does the truth of the resurrection effect our lives today? In what practical ways can it change the way we live on a daily basis and not just Easter Sunday?


5) What does I Corinthians 15:54-57 say about death? How does Christ's death give us victory?


6) The reality of the resurrection of Jesus is the "new normal". What does this imply? 




Monday, March 29, 2021

Job 38-42 "When God Answers" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                   Sermon Discussion Questions


   1) What does this passage teach us about God? How does God respond to Job? What questions does He ask Job?


   2)  What can we learn from Job's response to what God asks him?


  3) Sermon quote: "Every family system has a way that they deal with pain and suffering that shapes our approach to it as an adult." How were you formed by pain and suffering growing up? 

4) "Being quiet and still with ourselves can be disruptive sometimes."  We see other verses like Psalm 46:10, asking us to be still and quiet. Is it difficult to make time for these moments? Do we find ourselves dreading being still and quiet?

5) What was Job's conclusion/response at the end of Job? The word "repent" found in Job 42:6 can also be translated "comfort". Do we ever think of the process of repenting as being comforting? Who/What makes it possible for Job to comforted despite his circumstances?





Monday, March 22, 2021

Job (2:11-13, 3-27) "Comforting with Care" Rev Greg Meyer


                                                Sermon Discussion Questions



 1) What did Job's friends say to him at first? Did their tone change over the course of the book of Job?

 2) Can you remember a time when you were comforted well by someone? What was helpful? Can you remember a time when you were not comforted well? What did that look like?

3) Are there folks in your life that you feel need to be comforted? How can we learn from Job's story how to comfort others with wisdom?


4) The greatest tragedy (the death of Jesus on the cross)  God turned to good. Has this comforted you? What does this teach us about the character of God?


5) What are some takeaways from Elihu's speech that we can learn from?


6) Bulletin quote: "Christians are responsible for care; God is responsible for the cure. What Christian caregivers so is prepare the ground for the Great Curegiver." (Ken Haughk, Founder/Director of Stephen Ministries) What about this quote resonates with you? Do you agree with it?


Monday, March 15, 2021

Job 19 "The God Who Can Handle Our Questions" Rev Ryan Laughlin




                                               Sermon Discussion Questions



    1)  After reading over Job 19, what are some of the questions Job asks? Do you see the theme of the questions shifting as you read thru?

   2) We see other examples of showing our emotions to God in times of pain, fear and hurt. Psalm 10:1, Psalm 22, Psalm 44, Psalm 60, Psalm 74, Psalm 79. Take a little time to read over these. Do these help you shape your laments and questions toward the Lord in times of crisis? Do you have any other passages you find comforting/helpful in shaping your laments?

 3) Bulletin quote: "Lament is the voice of that pain, whether for oneself, for one's people, or simply for the mountain of suffering of humanity and creation itself. Lament is the voice of faith struggling to live with unanswered questions and unexplained suffering. God not only understands and accepts such lament; God has given us words in the Bible to express it! An over-flowing abundance of such words." (Chris Wright) Is this encouraging to you? Is any part of it challenging to you?

 4) It seems like in our culture we are not good "lamenters" or good at sharing/expressing pain, hurt and fear. Why do you think it is hard for us to share? What are some obstacles to being more emotionally/spiritually vulnerable with each other?


  5) What are some of our obstacles in taking our laments to the Lord? How does the truth of God accepting you and laying His life down for you when you were at your worst challenge these obstacles?




Monday, March 8, 2021

Job 1-2:10 "Traffic Wreck Theology" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                                Sermon Discussion Questions


     1) What does this section of Job teach us about God? How do we see God's sovereignty on display in this passage?


    2) In a nutshell, what is this section of Job about? Who are the main characters and what are they doing?


    3) Sermon quote: "Wisdom is required in all stages/times in our lives, but especially in times of crisis when there seems to be no way in front of us." Have you experienced this need for heavenly wisdom in times of difficulties? Can you name some of those times?


   4)  What is Satan's (the Accuser) main goal in Job's life that we see revealed in these first 2 chapters?

   5) In times of great pain and crisis, how/why are we able to chose to answer the Lord by worshiping Him instead of cursing Him to His face? Does that mean we dismiss our sadness/pain?



Monday, March 1, 2021

John 17:13-19, Acts 13:1-3 "Will you answer the call to be a blessing to others?" Dr. Owen Tarantino




                                                         Sermon Discussion Questions


1) What does this section of John remind us about believers engagement in the world? 


2) Sermon quote: "It is easy for us to be comfortable in our American churches. What our culture craves is comfort, control, power and safety. We want these things in our church/ministry settings also." Talk about this with the group. Does this resonate with you? 

3) Does knowing who Jesus is and what He has done for us change our daily interactions with God, ourselves, our neighbors and His creation? What can this look like practically in our lives?


4) We have been blessed by God because of the saving grace of Jesus, so that our response is to go be a blessing to others. What are some ways we can "get ready" to go out and be a blessing to others?


5) What does the section on Acts 13 tell us about our life in the Church? What can it look like for a church body to be a blessing to others?

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Eccelsiastes 11-12 "Room for Good Things to Run Wild" Rev. Ryan Laughlin





                                            Sermon Discussion Questions


 1) After reading over this section, what does the author want the readers to rejoice, remove and remember?


2) What does this passage say about wisdom?


3) As believers, because of the work of Christ,  we can live boldly and serve boldly. What does this look like in our daily lives? What does it mean for our generosity/giving/loving to be risky?


4) Sermon quote: "Being in Christ, we have absolute freedom to do what God wants not what we want. Your life is a gift to you."  How does this truth manifest in our lives holistically? (In every aspect of our lives: emotionally, spiritually and physically) 


5) How does this passage address our enjoying what we have in life and serving the Lord?


6) Bulletin quote: "The more I considered Christianity the more I found that while it had established a rule and order, the chief aim of that order was to give room for good things to run wild." (G.K. Chesterton) How does this encourage you?



Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Ecclesiastes 9:1-12 "Living Dogs or Dead Lions" Rev Ryan Laughlin




                                                       Sermon Discussion Questions


     1) After reading over this passage, what would you say is the main theme? What is the author wanting to convey?


     2) Sermon quote: "Is life a futile mess or can we enjoy it?" Does it seem like this passage suggests both are true? How can we wrestle with this tension?


     3) Look over Acts 2 and Psalm 16. What is the hope that we have facing death?


    4) What does Revelation 1:17 say about God? How does this truth impact our lives?


Sunday, February 7, 2021

Ecclesiastes 2:1-11, 22-26 "Isn't This World Enough?" Rev. Ryan Laughlin



                                            Sermon Discussion Questions



  1) What things does this passage put in the "vanity" category? 


  2) Sermon quote: " The more you choose to run after pleasure, the more you can't find it." Can you explain this in your own words? Can you think of times in your life this has been true?


 3)  How are verses 22-26 different from the beginning of this chapter? What do you think the "the Preacher" is wanting his readers to gain?


4) Bulletin quote: "Most people, if they had really learned to look into their own hearts, would know that they do want, and want acutely, something that cannot be had in this world." (C.S. Lewis) What is Lewis trying to convey here?


5) What were you reminded about God in this passage? How does the truth that all good things come from Him change the way you view the meaning of life? 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Ecclesiastes 1:1-14 "Traffic-Jam Theology" Rev. Ryan Laughlin


                                                           Sermon Discussion Questions:


 1) After reading this section again, what do you see as one of the main themes? 

 2) How do we have wisdom for when things don't go the way we expect?

 3) Sermon quote: "Because our theology is so rooted in God's sovereignty, sometimes we think we need the right answer in a crisis, which could mean down-playing our emotions." Have you experienced this type of response to a crisis in your own life? How does Ecclesiastes give us language to face hardships?


4) When we search for the meaning of what we may be going through, does our search include Jesus? What does this look like in our lives?


5) Sermon quote: "Just because we can't make sense of our life doesn't mean it is meaningless. Stop looking for meaning, where we will not find it." Where are some other places, people and things that we seek meaning for our lives besides Jesus? Can you share some examples with the group?


6) Does being wise mean knowing everything? How does knowing Jesus inform our view of wisdom?





Our experience, Our Guide, Our Search 

Monday, January 25, 2021

"Wisdom at Work" Proverbs: Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                            Sermon Discussion Questions


 1) Read over Proverbs 11:1, 16:11 and 22:29. How does Proverbs help us have wisdom in our work place?


 2) What are some main themes you see in Proverbs 31:10-31? What should our approach to work be as believers?


 3) What does our culture value in work? Or how does the culture say we gain our value? 


 4) Sermon quote: "Work is the chief place where we love our neighbor as our self." (Dan Doriani excerpt from his book Work) How does this quote impact your view of work? What is encouraging about this?


 5) Are you tempted to separate work into categories like sacred and secular? How could this separation hinder your understanding of work? How can it hinder how we treat our neighbors?


 6) Sermon quote: "The world says you matter because of your work. But the truth is, you matter, because Jesus did all the work for you.  So when you go to work, you have nothing to prove. . We are able to face the work with joy and wisdom and without fear and dread."  Is this encouraging to you? Why is this truth so difficult to grasp?

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Proverbs: The Power of Words (Proverbs 15:4, 18:21, 10:21, 12:18, 25:11) Rev. Chris Smith




                                            Sermon Discussion Questions



   1) What do these verses say about our words being harmful?


   2) Can you remember a time when someone spoke harmful words to you? How did that break your spirit?


   3) What do these verses say about our words being healing to others? 


   4) Can you recall a time when someone spoke words of truth and encouragement to you? How did it help you?


   5) What happens when God speaks? (Genesis 1)


   6) Can you think of other sections of Scripture that emphasize the weightiness our words have to others?


   7)  What does God say to us (believers) about our salvation in Christ? Do we believe we can take those "words to the bank"?

Monday, January 4, 2021

"A Word to the Wise"





                  Sermon Discussion Questions


 1) What is the purpose of Proverbs? 


 2) What do these verses tell us about wisdom? How is it described?

 3) Bulletin quote: "Wisdom is for the humbly eager--one might almost say, for the lover, the suitor...It is not for the man wise in his own eyes: He thinks he has arrived--and indeed he has, for he will never get a step further. His trouble is not intellectual...It is that he does not seriously want to be a better person; whereas the wise man is teachable to the end, open to God's commands, and chastening, and to human advice and criticism; for he values truth enough to pay the price of having it." (Derek Kidner) What is encouraging/difficult about this quote?

4) Read over Proverbs 1:7, 3:7, 4:5-7, 9:10, 11:2, 16:16. What do these verses say about wisdom? What do they say about the fear of the Lord?

  Reflection: Do we live our lives as if God has wisdom for us? or that we believe He knows better than we do about our lives? How can we grow in this area?