Monday, November 8, 2021

Romans 5:12-21 "Were Not the Right Man on Our Side" Rev. Ryan Laughlin



                                                Sermon Discussion Questions


1) How does this passage compare Adam and Christ as our representatives? 


2) What do we gain with Jesus being our representative? Why does He alone qualify to represent us for salvation, redemption?

3) How does the abounding grace of God influence our daily lives? How does it influence how our relationships with others? Are we quick to be gracious to others?

4) How can we draw from the well of grace in Christ in our lives?

5) "So when we are convinced that “grace reigns,” we will remember that God’s throne is a “throne of grace,” and will come to it boldly for mercy and to find grace for every need." (John Stott) How does this stir your heart? Do we need convincing that grace reigns?



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