1) Take a moment to read Paul's letter to Titus. It will take you less than 10 minutes. Look and listen for key words, phrases, concepts that are repeated.
2) What key words, phrases, or concepts did you see that were repeated over and over?
3) In Titus 3:3 Paul characterizes what we are like outside of Christ. One phrase he uses is "slaves to various passions and pleasures". What sorts of passions and pleasures enslave people today?
4) Paul writes in Titus 3:4 that God saved us "when the goodness and lovingkindness of God appeared". When did the goodness and lovingkindness of God appear?
5) Scripture tells us here (3:5) that God saved us not because of works, but according to his own mercy. Is this offensive to you, comforting to you or does it arouse something else in you? Why or Why not?
6) God saved us when we were enslaved, and he saved us, not according to what we could bring to the table, but according to the depth of his own mercy. How are we then to live in light of that (3:8)?
7) When we devote ourselves to good works are we earning favor from God? What is the result of devoting ourselves to good works (3:8)?
8) See Titus 2:14, 3:1, 3:14. What do these passages say about good works?
9) Followers of Jesus are often viewed by many as hypocritical, contentious, and oppressive. This may be not be the whole story, and it may not be fair. How can Paul's words, especially in Titus 3:1-8, help us address our neighbors perceptions of us?
10) When devoting ourselves to good works, are there any dangers or temptations we need to be on the lookout for? Where can we find help in this letter against those temptations?
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