1. Read through the passage together.
2. Ryan said that this passage is, "less about political leanings, and more about personal loyalties." What are the different things, ideas, groups, etc. around us that are competing for our personal loyalties?
3. Jesus' instruction, "render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's," leads us to give to our country our "allegiance" and our "resistance." Discuss ways that we can and need to do both.
4. While we have an obligation to our country, we see from this text that we have a greater obligation to our Creator. Where do we see Jesus teaching us that we are to give our whole lives to him?
5. Where are the places in your life that you are prone to give greater to allegiance to rather than to Christ?
6. What are practical ways we can grow in giving all of our humanity and all of our hearts to Jesus?
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