Monday, August 11, 2014

"How much is that sparrow?" - Matthew 10:26-33 (8/10/14)

1. Have someone read through the passage aloud.
2. Why does Jesus ask the question about the sparrows?
3. What does this say about God's character and who he is?
4. What are the things in your life that you fear? What is a situation you've experienced recently that caused you to act or respond with fear?
5. How does what Jesus says in this passage address our everyday fears?
6. The doctrine of God's sovereignty is a wonderful truth, but often it can used in our relationships in unhelpful ways. Discuss how we can appropriate God's sovereignty with sympathy in our relationships.
7. Spend some time in prayer, thanking God for his sovereign care over all things. Ask him to give you wisdom and sympathy when speaking of God's sovereignty to others who are hurting or fearful.

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