Friday, February 4, 2022

2 Timothy 1:8-14 "He is Able" Dr. Tom Gibbs




                                          Sermon Discussion Questions



 1) What does Paul say about Christ in this passage? What does Paul say our response should be?

2)  Who's sufferings to we share in? Are we active participants in the work/suffering of Christ?

3) Where do we put our confidence when it is not in the Lord? (status, finances, etc?)

 4)  Bulletin quote: "The strength of the dangers ranged against us often make us despair or at least tempt
us to distrust God. However, for our defense, we are armed with the knowledge that we have adequate protection in God’s power. So Christ, encouraging us to be confident, uses the argument, “My Father, who has given them to me, is greater
than all” (John 10:29). By this he means that we are out of danger since the Lord who protects us is well able to resist everyone." Is this helpful to you as you reflect on this passage? Do you agree with Calvin's words?

5) How are we able to celebrate the love of our God in the midst of our darkest tragedies? What does that look like?

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