Monday, February 28, 2022

James 5:13-19 "The Heart of God" Dr. Paul Kooistra




                 Sermon Discussion Questions


1)  What does this passage remind us about prayer?


2) "Prayer is the most important thing we can do in missions." Have you thought of prayer as a resource? What about this is challenging?


3) When should we pray? What situations cause you to pray? What area of prayer would you like to grow in?


4) Do we approach prayer as our greatest resource of power? How is prayer being a resource different than what our culture says? 

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Romans 8:12-30 "From Groaning to Glory" Rev. Chris Smith




                                                               Sermon Discussion Questions


1) What does the text say teach us about the Spirit of God?


2) What does the power of the Spirit enable us to do as believers? What is our relationship status as believers with God?


3) How is the sovereignty of God explained in this passage?


4) How do we see the Trinity working together in this passage?


5) Is it challenging to see yourself as a child of God? What is comforting about this reality of being the children of God as believers?  In what ways would you like to grow in this reality?

Monday, February 14, 2022

Romans 8:1-11 Life in the Spirit Dr. Tom Gibbs




                                            Sermon Discussion Questions


  1) How many times is the "Spirit" used in this  passage? Why do you think Paul is wanting to draw our attention to the Spirit?

  2) What does the Spirit do for the life of a believer that the Law cannot do?

  3) "The ministry of the Spirit is to direct our lives. It is a gift to us with direction." (sermon quote) How does the Spirit direct our lives? Is it a challenge to see this as a gift?

   4) In Romans 8:10-11, what does it say about the Holy Spirit? How does He empower the believer?


   5) Bulletin quote: "You can't say that the law is the power of God unto salvation. The law is the will of God., but it is certainly not the power of God to save people. (Jack Miller) Does this help you understand the difference between the law and the power of the Spirit? 

Friday, February 4, 2022

2 Timothy 1:8-14 "He is Able" Dr. Tom Gibbs




                                          Sermon Discussion Questions



 1) What does Paul say about Christ in this passage? What does Paul say our response should be?

2)  Who's sufferings to we share in? Are we active participants in the work/suffering of Christ?

3) Where do we put our confidence when it is not in the Lord? (status, finances, etc?)

 4)  Bulletin quote: "The strength of the dangers ranged against us often make us despair or at least tempt
us to distrust God. However, for our defense, we are armed with the knowledge that we have adequate protection in God’s power. So Christ, encouraging us to be confident, uses the argument, “My Father, who has given them to me, is greater
than all” (John 10:29). By this he means that we are out of danger since the Lord who protects us is well able to resist everyone." Is this helpful to you as you reflect on this passage? Do you agree with Calvin's words?

5) How are we able to celebrate the love of our God in the midst of our darkest tragedies? What does that look like?