Sunday, September 13, 2020

“ The Apt Word” Acts 22:22-23:11 Rev. Ryan Laughlin


                                                  Sermon Discussion Questions 

  1) What was Paul’s response to the Roman Tribune in verses 22:22-29? What was Paul’s response to the Sanhedrin in verses 22:30-23:11?

2) God’s timing is always perfect. How do we see the Lord showing up in Paul’s life in this text?

3) Proverbs 25:11 says, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of in a setting of silver.” What does this tell us about our words?

4) Do Paul’s words to the authorities sound familiar? Do they echo anytime Jesus was rebuking religious leaders?

5) “Wisdom isn’t just speaking the right words but the right timing too.” Can you recall a time when the right words were spoken to you at the right time? How did they encourage you in the truth of the gospel?

6) Jesus is the apt word that we need as His people. How do we see this truth in our daily lives?

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