Welcome to the CPC Discussions blog. This blog is a place to foster further discussion between individuals at CPC. As we encounter new information and ideas, we all take time to process through what our response is. Often, when we have the opportunity to engage with each other during this processing, we find our ideas enriched and expanded.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Acts 14 The Rhythm of the Saints Rev. Ryan Laughlin
Sermon Discussion Questions
1) As you read over chapter 14, what is Barnabas and Paul’s strategy or rhythm for sharing the gospel? Do you notice any patterns?
2) Since the beginning of God calling people to Himself, there is a rhythm of life that believers are called to live. We are called to “gather and scatter”. Can you discuss that description a little further? What does that rhythm look like practically in your life?
3) Having this regular rhythm of gathering and scattering to share the good news, can also bring suffering. When you have experienced suffering for the sake of the gospel or even felt timid to share, what has helped you or encourage you along the way?
4) Bulletin quote: “When people are looking for a perfect and painless (life), they are looking for Eden, for the shalom we were meant to experience in God’s good creation. Unfortunately, there is no back door to Eden. We will not find perfect shalom until Jesus makes all things new.” Michael Goheen
What strikes you about this quote? What is encouraging about it?
5) When sharing our lives with others, what are some ways that we can “build bridges” with them? In other words, how can we foster true connection and encourage them in gospel truth?
6) How did we see Jesus demonstrate this rhythm of life (gather/scatter) throughout His earthly life?
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