Monday, April 6, 2020

“The King Who Refused to Stay Home” Acts 8 Rev. Ryan Laughlin

                                Sermon Discussion Questions

1) After reading the text, what do we see taking place in verses 1-8? And the latter part of the chapter in verses 26-40. 

2) What scripture was the eunuch reading from as he was visiting with Philip? Why would this particulate passage been significant?

3) Luke took the time in this narrative to pause and tell the readers what in verse 2? Why do you think lamentation is important to acknowledge in times like this and with the situation of persecution in chapter 8. 

4) As believers we can affirm that God is sovereign and that He is still on the throne but also at the same time admit that the world is not as it should be. Do you find this “tension” difficult to name or pinpoint in your own life? 

5) In these “uncertain times” and “unchartered territories” God’s “unchanging truth” is our anchor.  What was the message the disciples were sharing and what is the message of hope we share now?  Have there been times in the recent months that you have found solace in other  hopes, distractions, etc that ultimately don’t offer the “peace that passes understanding.”? What has been helpful in these last few months personally? We can find comfort that Jesus has promised to never leave or forsake us. 

Sermon quote: We are staying at home (during this time) but God is not. God’s kingdom is not shut down.” Do you see evidence of God working in the midst of difficult times in this passage? Have you seen His work in other difficult times in your lives?

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