Monday, April 29, 2019

The Resurrection of The Lord Jesus: The Reality & It’s Significance (1 Corinthians 15:3-4, 14-17; Romans 6:12-14) Dr. Dan Dorianii

                                                     The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus
                                                        The Reality & Its Significance
                                                        1 Corinthians 15:3-4, 14-17
                                                                 Romans 6:12-16
                                                               Dr. Dan Doriani
Sermon Questions:

1) Jesus had to rise from the dead. What did this prove? He had to endure death, betrayal and the resurrection.

2) Referring back to the 1 Corinthians 15 passage and Romans 6, what does Scripture say about the resurrection? How is it described?

3) Jesus appeared in His physical body after His resurrection. Why is the fact that His physical body was raised important?

4) The facts of the resurrection have great implications for us as believers. The reign of death has ended! So that when Christ died, we died with Him and that when He rose, we rose with Him. How does that reality impact you now presently? And looking ahead to eternity?

5) Because of the resurrection of Christ, therefore our bodies become “weapons of righteousness” for God. (See Romans 6: 12-16) Do we think of our hands, feet, tongue, etc as “weapons” for the Lord?

6) How do we need to think about sleep, exercise, sex, eating and drinking in light of these gospel truths?  the sermon we heard Dan talk about the “umbles” in our life? (Sometimes our bodies grumble, fumble, mumble, stumble). What areas of our life can we ask the Holy Spirit to help us be better “weapons of righteousness?” How does Paul say about these in Romans?

7) What does the truth of Christ’s resurrection mean for our future bodies?

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