1. As you read these verses, what stands out to you?
2. Jesus says, "I thirst" in verse 28. What are the implications of that statement? Regarding his humanity? His determination to do His Father's will?
3. All of us live with regret because we fail to do everything God has commanded us to do. How do Jesus' words, "It is finished" comfort us in our regret?
2. Jesus says, "I thirst" in verse 28. What are the implications of that statement? Regarding his humanity? His determination to do His Father's will?
3. All of us live with regret because we fail to do everything God has commanded us to do. How do Jesus' words, "It is finished" comfort us in our regret?
4. Charles Hodge said of Jesus' words, "It is finished": “This is why the believer, when arrayed in this righteousness, need fear neither death nor hell. This is the reason why Paul challenges the universe to lay anything to the charge of God's elect.” Discuss this statement.
5. Ryan mentioned that hyssop (v. 29) is often used in the Old Testament to symbolize cleansing. See Psalm 51:7 and Exodus 12:22. What significance, then, does the hyssop branch have here in the Gospel of John?
6. What clues does John give us in these verses that, on the cross, Jesus conquered His enemies and won a great victory? Why is that important for us to remember? How does that inform how we live our lives?
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