Wednesday, June 6, 2018

John 12:1-11 :: Worth It All :: Discussion Questions

1. Consider each person mentioned as attending this party: Martha, Lazarus, Judas, and Mary. Who do you identify with? Why?

2. What is your prized possession? How much is it worth to you? Can you sympathize with Judas, who rebuked Mary for spending her prized possession on Jesus?

3. Name some of the things that made Mary undignified at the party: what did she do that broke cultural barriers and protocols? Speculate on why did it (the text only gives us clues but no direct answers to that question).

4. Judas says that the perfume was worth 1 years wage -- that's beaucoup bucks! Are there times you are faced with a similar decision about how to invest your money for the kingdom? How does Mary's example help you make that decision?

5. Should Christians care about the poor? Does Jesus contradict or confirm your answer when he insists that "the poor will always be with you?"

6. Ryan said that before we can answer the question, "What is Jesus worth to you?" we must answer the question, "What are you worth to Him?" How does Mary help us answer that second question? Why does that answer help us answer the first? 

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