Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Will the Real Temple Please Stand Up? John 2:13-22 1/28/18

1. When Jesus clears out the Temple, He removes the things that were distracting God's people from real worship of God. What were those things, according to John (verses 14 and 15)? Why were those activities distracting? Share your personal "worship-distracters" with each other. What is one practical step you can take to remove that distraction from your worship life.

2. Jesus is also removing the divisions that exist because of the supermarket in the Temple. In Mark's Gospel account of Jesus' second temple cleansing, Mark tells us that Jesus quoted Isaiah 56 to those selling the marketplace. Read Isaiah 56:1-8. What does this passage tell us about God's purpose for the Temple? Who was meant to be included? How were these people excluded by the selling and exchanging the Outer Court (or Court of the Gentiles)? Are there ways that we, as individuals or as a church, exclude certain kinds of people, either intentionally or unintentionally?

3. Is there someone you know who you believe would not feel welcome at Covenant? Why? Is that a valid barrier or one that needs to be removed? How can you help remove it?

4. John tells us that Jesus is zealous to see His Father's house honored by His people, namely by giving their unhindered devotion and worship to the Lord. Therefore, He is clearing out the Temple to wipe out any rival suitors for their affections. Why would Jesus do that? Read Exodus 34:11-16. What does that say about God's commitment to having your complete allegiance, devotion, and worship?

5. How have you experienced Jesus wiping out rivals in your own heart? How has He topple your idols?

6. Jesus ultimately does more than clear the Temple; He replaces it. Re-read John 2:18-22 and brainstorm together how Jesus, as your Savior, fulfills everything that Temple provided God's people. 

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