"Faith Alone" (Romans 3:21-28)
Dr. Ligon Duncan
1) What does Paul mean by 'the righteousness of God' in verse 21? Why is this good news?
2) Why is it easier for us to rely on our works-righteousness rather than Christ's righteousness received by faith? Share the specific 'works' you tend to rest on for your righteousness before God (maybe overtly spiritual works, like reading your Bible, or less so, like raising good kids or avoiding certain sins). Note: This can be a hard question for people to answer without much reflection, so here are some diagnostic questions that might help (from David Fairchild, "Gospel Diagnostics"):
Dr. Ligon Duncan
1) What does Paul mean by 'the righteousness of God' in verse 21? Why is this good news?
2) Why is it easier for us to rely on our works-righteousness rather than Christ's righteousness received by faith? Share the specific 'works' you tend to rest on for your righteousness before God (maybe overtly spiritual works, like reading your Bible, or less so, like raising good kids or avoiding certain sins). Note: This can be a hard question for people to answer without much reflection, so here are some diagnostic questions that might help (from David Fairchild, "Gospel Diagnostics"):
- What do I rely on to comfort myself when things go bad or get difficult?
- I have hope because I'm _______.
- I feel worthy because I'm _________.
- (In light of Romans 3:27): When I'm feeling insignificant in the eyes of others (or my own eyes), I boast about ______________.
3) One Puritan pastor confessed that he needs to 'repent of his repentance.' In light of this passage, what do you think he means by that?
4) Explain how God both the 'just and the justifier' for those who have faith in Jesus? (Romans 3:26). Why is that encouraging for you to ponder today?
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