Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Soli Deo Gloria (Romans 11:33-36)

Summary: In recognition of the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, our Sola preaching series has considered the heart of the Gospel, as it was summarized by the Reformers: that we believe that Scripture alone announces the living God saves us by His grace alone, on the basis of Christ's finished work alone, which is received by faith alone, to the glory of God alone.

1> Ryan used the post-game interview as an example of de-mystifying and de-spiritualizing the idea of glorifying God in all of life. What is your reaction when you hear an athlete give glory to God after a game? Why do you respond that way?

2> Paul affirms that because all things are from, through, and to God, all things are potential doxological triggers. What are your doxological triggers (Ryan defined doxological triggers as those experiences in life that move us to give glory to another)? Share a story when some experience 'triggered' your worship of God.

3> The context of this passage suggests that nothing should trigger our worship of God like the wonders of our redemption through Christ Jesus. Do you find this to be true in your life? What are some practical steps you can take to meditate more deeply on your redemption by Jesus?

4> Fredrick Blechner defined vocation as the 'place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.' How does that definition help us understand our vocation as doxology? How might that shape your attitude toward your stations in life (in a family, in a neighborhood, in a profession)?

5> In your own words, what questions does Paul ask in verses 34 and 35? Why are these helpful questions to stoke our doxology? Has there been a time in your life when your questions -- or maybe even your disappointment -- fueled your worship? Share it with the group.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Christ Alone: Sermon Discussion Questions 11.12.17

Read Romans 8:1-4 (aka 'the best news you've ever heard!').

1. What is the difference between good advice and good news? Why do we need good news more than good advice when it comes to our guilt and our shame?

2. Why does Paul refer to God's moral Law as the 'law of sin and death' in verse 2? What does it mean that we have been 'set free' from the 'law of sin and death?' How have we been set free, according to verse 2?

3. Martin Luther claimed that the 'whole Gospel is outside of us!' What does that mean and why is that good news? How might Luther's quote help us understand verse 3?

4. What is the significance of Paul's explanation that God sent His own Son 'in the likeness of sinful flesh?' (Hint: What misunderstandings about Jesus might we believe if Paul had said 'in sinful flesh' or 'in the likeness of flesh'?)

5. God condemned sin in Jesus' flesh (v. 3) so that we might live without condemnation (v. 4). What are some practical ways this encourages our Christian walk?

6. If there is nothing we can do to make God love us any more or any less, why motivation do we have to obey God? Use verse 4 to answer this question. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

11.5.17 Sermon discussion: Faith Alone

"Faith Alone" (Romans 3:21-28)
Dr. Ligon Duncan

1) What does Paul mean by 'the righteousness of God' in verse 21? Why is this good news?

2) Why is it easier for us to rely on our works-righteousness rather than Christ's righteousness received by faith? Share the specific 'works' you tend to rest on for your righteousness before God (maybe overtly spiritual works, like reading your Bible, or less so, like raising good kids or avoiding certain sins). Note: This can be a hard question for people to answer without much reflection, so here are some diagnostic questions that might help (from David Fairchild, "Gospel Diagnostics"):

  • What do I rely on to comfort myself when things go bad or get difficult? 
  • I have hope because I'm _______.
  • I feel worthy because I'm _________. 
  • (In light of Romans 3:27): When I'm feeling insignificant in the eyes of others (or my own eyes), I boast about ______________. 
3) One Puritan pastor confessed that he needs to 'repent of his repentance.' In light of this passage, what do you think he means by that? 

4) Explain how God both the 'just and the justifier' for those who have faith in Jesus? (Romans 3:26). Why is that encouraging for you to ponder today? 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Sermon Discussion: Oct 29, 2017 SOLA SCRIPTURA

Sola Scriptura
2 Timothy 3:14-17
Oct. 29, 2017

Intro: The five 'solas' summarized the theological convictions that informed the Protestant Reformation. Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone) claims that the Bible is the final, decisive authority on truth.

1) Ryan suggested that we might be Sola Scriptura in theory but Shallow Scriptura in practice. Do you agree? Why or why not? What are some symptoms of living as a Shallow Scriptura Christian?

2) Why is the Catholic Church opposed to Sola Scriptura, in principle? [Hint: in addition to Scripture, what else does the Catholic Church believe is authoritative?] Why is this problematic for Protestants?

3) One of the reasons Catholics give for opposing Sola Scriptura is the fact that there is sometimes interpretive anarchy within the Protestant ranks. In other words, Protestants come to very different conclusions from the same biblical passages. Is this a legitimate concern? Why or why not?

4) In what ways has your interpretation of the Bible been positively shaped by Christian community as well as Christian tradition? [Hint: define Christian tradition as historic creeds and confessions]

5) Brainstorm on some practical ways you can feast on the Word through public proclamation (preaching) and private meditation (devotions). What is your one take-away from this brainstorming session to help you maintain a healthy diet of the Bible in your life?