1. Have someone read the passage aloud.
2. What are some of the ways we see Joseph flourishing in this passage?
3. Joseph seeks the wellbeing of Potiphar - why would motivate him to help this non-Israelite to flourish?
4. Joseph is tempted by a variety of things, why were the options before him so tempting? What are the appealing things in your life that tempt you?
5. How does Joseph respond to temptation?
6. Why is Joseph's resistance and fleeing from temptation counter cultural? How does this differ with the dominant narrative of our culture?
7. It's easy for us to fall into the belief that God will love us because of our gifts / abilities. How does this passage remedy this thinking?
8. Where are the places that you need to know / believe that God is with you?
Sermon Outline:
1. In the Spotlight
a. Achievement
b. Attractiveness
2. In the Shadows
a. Persecution
b. Prison
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