Monday, February 17, 2014

February 16, 2014: Philippians 3:17-21: Why the Church Needs You and You Need the Church

{Leader's Note: You may want to have the group read Donald Miller's blog post referenced in the sermon.  Find it here:}

1. Prior to the sermon, what would you have said was the reason you come to church?

2. Who are the people who have modeled / imitated the Christian life for you (v. 17)?  What are things you've learned from them?

3.  Can you think of a non-believing friend or family member whom you may have dismissed in your heart?  What would it look like to move  towards this person instead of withdrawing?  How do we begin to weep for our unbelieving friends? 

4.  Where do you feel like you find your main source of community?  If it isn't at church, why do you think that is?  If it is at church, what makes it that way for you?

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