Following the King [Luke 5:1-11]
Sermon Discussion Notes
- Have you ever driven behind someone, back in the day before GPS? It is frustrating to follow someone driving. Ryan used this to illustrate how following Jesus is sometimes frustrating. We often say "follow Jesus", but this can be a bit vague. What does it mean to follow Jesus?
- Ryan defined following Jesus as going where he is leading: the first place he leads us is into a deeper repentance. This repentance that Jesus leads us to leads to both a greater awareness of Sin, and a greater acceptance of Grace. How do we see this awareness of Sin and acceptance of Grace in this passage? Do you see these in your life?
- The second place Jesus leads us is into a bigger purpose: casting the net of the gospel. The gospel meets people's most dire needs. Do you see the people in your life as needy?
- Sometimes the casting of the gospel net can feel like a burden. Is fishing for men a humble privilege, or an anxious responsibility?
- Finally, Jesus leads us into greater freedom. This isn't a change in vocation, rather a change in identity. Our identity is no longer in what we do, sound like, or look like. Our identity is found in the one we follow. What do we need to leave behind now that we are free to follow Jesus?
- We don't always know where Jesus is leading. This is why following him is frustrating. Ryan finished by talking about how in orienteering only a slight drift can cause a massive shift in the destination. Are you aware of your own tendencies to drift? Are we more concerned with knowing Jesus, or knowing where he is leading?
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