Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Vigilance [Nehemiah 6:15-7:3]

Sermon Discussion Questions
  • Are there times that you feel like you just want to be off of the "spiritual IRR" list?  That is, do you ever feel as though you just want to be "off duty" when it comes to the spiritual fight of the Christian life?  As a group, share what you experience in those moments when you just want to be "off duty."
  • Why do you suppose that we are most vulnerable after experiencing success (e.g. spiritual success, financial success, relational success, etc.)?  Discuss how the "lure of self-sufficiency" or the "illusion of safety"contribute to this vulnerability.
  • When it comes what vigilance looks like in our life, we were encouraged to pursue a dependency upon one another.  Do you struggle to depend upon others?  Why do you suppose we struggle with this?  Men, do you have men "keeping watch" with you in your life?  Women, do you have women "keeping watch" with you in your life?  If not, why not?  (In other words, do some self-reflection.)
  • Amidst all of our busyness, reflect upon what structures or disciplines you have in place.  If you have none, what things might be helpful in developing a rhythm that points you to the Gospel?  If you do have some, are they beneficial?  Brainstorm as a group what structures are or could be helpful considering your specific life-stage and context.

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