Monday, December 17, 2012

We Wait With Joy [Luke 1:39-56]

We Wait With Joy [Luke 1:39-56]

Sermon Discussion Questions

*Ryan started out by talking about the serious tragedy in Connecticut and asked the question we may feel "is there any possibility of joy in a world like this?" What reality about Christmas and the gospel allows us to talk and even experience joy in as tragic as this?

*At one point Ryan described the first few chapters of Luke as "The flash mob of the New Testament". The outburst of Joy at the coming of Jesus stirred a song into the hearts and mouth of Mary, does Jesus still stir a
song in you? 

*There was a great bond of friendship between Mary and Elizabeth, one that allowed them to share the great joy of the special conceptions and children they both were bearing. Has God provided in your life that you can share great moments of joy with? 

*Is there only a sentimental or pithy bond between friends bound together in Christ, or is there something special about sharing in the joy of Jesus together with a friend? 

*Are you excited for Jesus to come a second time? Why or why not? 

*Ryan encouraged us a family of believers to find joy in reading the Bible, find joy in corporate worship on Sunday mornings and evenings, and joy in the cross generational friendships within our church. How seriously do you take this challenge? 

Didn't get a chance to listen to the sermon? Click here to listen!

Monday, December 10, 2012

We Wait With Humility [Luke 1:26-38]

We Wait With Humility [Luke 1:26-38]

Sermon Discussion Questions

*Ryan said Mary is a model for us. What is she a model or example of?

*"The human heart has this amazing capacity to grasp for that which we do not have". How does entitlement have a way of sneaking into your own life?

*Mary's response to the angel is that she is the servant of the Lord. Ryan challenged us to think of when we have been disappointed and hurt, is our response one of faith like Mary's?

*Christ gave up what he rightly deserve in order to give us what we do not deserve. In a moment Jesus gave up heaven, for earth, royal riches for earthly squalor. What example does Jesus set for us in his advent? 

*Mary didn't win a contest. God himself showed her grace, and that grace made her uncomfortable. How does grace make us uncomfortable? Why does grace make us uncomfortable?

*Living a life of entitlement is the worst thing we can do for ourselves. Do you really think you don't deserve to be treated as the most important person in the room?

Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click hear to listen!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Waiting with Faith [Luke 1:5-25]

Waiting with Faith [Luke 1:5-25]

Sermon Discussion Question

  • As we heard of Zechariah and Elizabeth we met a couple who had given up on hope. They had waited for a very long time for a child. As we approach Christmas what is it that we wait for and through? 
  • What is the significance of the place that Zechariah met Gabriel? 
  • We are all participants in this great story. In all the things that happen to us, around us, through us, there is a larger story and purpose. For Zechariah he got to see how all the little coincidences connected. How was God active in this moment of Zechariah's life?
  •  In a moment the tapestry of our life looks jumbled, in the midst of life we can't always see the purpose, but one we will see the other side of the tapestry. What are ways that you have had glimpses at the other side of the tapestry? 
  • We were challenged to wait with faith and wait through faith. Who is it that we now wait for? How is it a challenge to wait?
Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click here to listen!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Doubting the King [Luke 7:18-35]

Doubting the King [Luke 7:18-35]

Sermon Discussion Questions

*At some point in our life, we all have doubts about Jesus. Even Mother Theresa struggled with doubt throughout her life. Ryan then challenged us to be open about some of our doubts. What are some doubts or questions we have about Jesus or the gospel?

*In this passage Ryan pointed out that John the Baptist doubts were provoked by the immediate circumstances around him. What are some of the difficult times that have provoked your doubt? 

*Francis Schaeffer struggled with doubts of God. He took a period of months taking seriously the challenges of agnosticism before reaffirming his faith in Jesus Christ.  Do you believe that faith is strengthened through trials of doubt? 

How did Jesus encourage John's faith?

*There is a big difference between never being satisfied as a perpetual skeptic, and asking honest questions seeking honest answers.  How can we foster a community that is open to honest questions?

Didn't get a change to hear the sermon? Click here to listen!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Dinner With the King [Luke 7:36-50]

Dinner With the King [Luke 7:36-50]

Sermon Discussion Questions

Eric began the sermon by talking about just how incredibly helpful and necessary bugs are. Bee's pollination alone is worth roughly $14.6 Billion. Sometimes we think we lump something or someone into a category without actually knowing who or what they are, we do this with bugs, how do we do the same thing with Jesus? 

When the woman came to Jesus, washed his feet, and wiped them with her tears, was this an act to earn forgiveness or thankfulness? 

The woman was quite bold in her response to Jesus, her actions were definitely beyond the social norm, does this passage make us uncomfortable? 

What are some expressions of thankfulness that make you uncomfortable? What are expressions of thankfulness that are acceptable and are not acceptable in your own social circle? 

Eric gave us all a challenge, asking if we have a tendency to minimize or temper our thankful responses to Jesus. Since we have been captured by Jesus grace, how do we use our gifts to express thankfulness to him?

Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click here to listen!

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Compassionate Christ [Luke 7:11-17]

Sermon Discussion Question

The Compassionate Christ [Luke 7:11-17]

Penny emphasized that Jesus saw the need of the woman. Penny challenged us to think about what the needs of our neighbors and our community. What do the needs of our immediate community look like? 

The Bishop in Les Miserables responded to Jean Valjean with grace not justice. What ways does grace shape our interactions with those in need?

When we gather together (Sunday worship, small groups, school activities, family outings) do we see the needs of those around us? Are we honest about our needs with our closest friends? Are we honest with anyone at all? 

What do you find easier? To enter the need of someone, sit, listen, be a faithful presence? Or to fulfill the need of someone, give, or provide?

When the Bishop found Jean Valjean in the custody of the armed guards for stealing, the Bishop actually removed the charge against him and gave more items! How did Penny challenge us to be radically grace oriented seeing and meeting the needs of others?

Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click here to listen!

Monday, November 5, 2012

How To Impress A King [Luke 7:1-10]

How To Impress A King [Luke 7:1-10]

Sermon Discussion Questions

*What are some ways we try to impress one another? Ryan told a story about how he tried to impress some of his peers when he was in high school at a talent show. We all live with a secret desire of impressing others, as though every conversation we have with others leaves someone impressed. 

*This portion of scripture is incredible because the person who ends up astonished in this story is Jesus. What is Jesus not impressed with about this centurion and what about the centurion impresses Jesus?

*The Centurion had competence, compassion, charisma, and character. These are good things that we should commend, yet none of these things caused Jesus to be impressed. 

*The Centurion didn't see Jesus miracles, nor did he see him teaching with authority. The Centurion is only acting out of the things he has heard from others. On the basis of the reports from others, this Centurion has belief. Rather than be proud of his faith, this man is incredibly humble. 

*The Centurion didn't put boundaries on what Jesus could do. How did he trust Jesus without limits?

*Ryan asserted that we all are seeking someone or something we can trust in, whether we are religious or not, whether we are a Christian or not. We place authority and hope in things in our lives that we think can fulfill us. Maybe as parents we place trust in our children to make up for our failures, maybe as married couples we trust for our spouse to make up for all the insecurity in our hearts, maybe as citizens we place trust in the right political candidate. Only Jesus can actually deliver the goods, because Jesus is the only one who can speak a word and make things happen. Is our trust like the Centurions? Can we be encouraged in a faith that even Jesus would be marveled at? 

Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click here to listen!

Monday, October 29, 2012

The King Restores [Luke 5:33-6:11]

Sermon Discussion Questions

The King Restores [Luke 5:33-6:11]

  • "The Honeymoon is over" Ryan said as he began talking about Jesus. In the sermon passage this week there was much confrontation against Jesus concerning religious rules. Do we get lost sometimes in the details of the rules? Do we sometimes forget the purpose of a rule as we think about the technicalities of the rule? 
  • Our calenders are often full (They may even be overflowing!). Living at a relentless pace we feel the need for rest. Jesus points us to the Sabbath, to embrace the rest God has provided weekly. Is the Sabbath a day that you keep moving at the same pace? Are you missing out on the deepest longing for rest by rushing through the Sabbath rather than resting on it? 
  • The Pharisees had 39 rules how to not break the Sabbath. Legalism doesn't free us to be more human, it actually enslaves us to be less human. Jesus is the leader who defends his people from legalism and leads his people into becoming more human. What experiences have you had with legalism in your own life? How has Jesus lead you from a place enslavement to a place of freedom in him?
  • We are constantly pursuing life, sometimes in the wrong places, whether it is in passing pleasures, a relentless pace, or in religious rules. At the end of the day and all our pursuits of life have left us only hungry for more, what do we have? Do we turn to the life of Jesus to find life in him? 

Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click here to listen!

Monday, October 22, 2012

The King Heals [Luke 5:12-32]

The King Heals [Luke 5:12-32]

Sermon Discussion Questions

  • King Jesus has both a wide scope of healing and his healing has significance in our lives. How big is the scope of Jesus healing? Does Jesus meet more than just the physical needs of those he encounters? 
  • Following Jesus is hardly a spectator sport. How did Jesus meet the needs of the three individuals he met, the Leper, the Paralytic, and Levi the Tax Collector? What were the responses of these three after the healing of Jesus?
  • All the various needs that Jesus met are all broken needs we have today. Ryan listed off many different needs we share due to the first sin of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3. If we still die, and sin, what is the significance of Jesus healing in our lives today?
  • Ryan said that these stories of the works of Jesus are "brochures of the coming world." What is our role in Jesus healing ministry that points to the coming world and how did Ryan encourage us as a church to continue in this work?
  • Some of the hardest realities of reading the miracles of Jesus, is experiencing similar suffering without immediate healing in our own lives and the lives of those we love. There is a temptation to despair; we fear we will never heal.  How do you hang onto the promise of Jesus to heal all things when you face this temptation?

Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click here to listen!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Following the King [Luke 5:1-11]

Following the King [Luke 5:1-11]

Sermon Discussion Notes
  • Have you ever driven behind someone, back in the day before GPS? It is frustrating to follow someone driving. Ryan used this to illustrate how following Jesus is sometimes frustrating. We often say "follow Jesus", but this can be a bit vague. What does it mean to follow Jesus? 

  • Ryan defined following Jesus as going where he is leading: the first place he leads us is into a deeper repentance. This repentance that Jesus leads us to leads to both a greater awareness of Sin, and a greater acceptance of Grace. How do we see this awareness of Sin and acceptance of Grace in this passage? Do you see these in your life?

  • The second place Jesus leads us is into a bigger purpose: casting the net of the gospel. The gospel meets people's most dire needs. Do you see the people in your life as needy? 

  • Sometimes the casting of the gospel net can feel like a burden. Is fishing for men a humble privilege, or an anxious responsibility?

  • Finally, Jesus leads us into greater freedom. This isn't a change in vocation, rather a change in identity. Our identity is no longer in what we do, sound like, or look like. Our identity is found in the one we follow. What do we need to leave behind now that we are free to follow Jesus? 

  • We don't always know where Jesus is leading. This is why following him is frustrating. Ryan finished by talking about how in orienteering only a slight drift can cause a massive shift in the destination. Are you aware of your own tendencies to drift? Are we more concerned with knowing Jesus, or knowing where he is leading? 

Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon yet? Click here to listen!

Monday, October 8, 2012

The King's Agenda [Luke 4:31-44]

The King's Agenda [Luke 4:31-44]

Sermon Discussion Questions

  • There were three responses to Jesus that Ryan talked about on Sunday. Some people studied Jesus, (Luke 4:32-36 for Studied reaction), some people sought to seize him (Luke 4:42-44 for Seize reaction), and another sought to serve him (Luke 4:38-39 for Serve reaction). What did these reactions look like in the text? 
  • The people were astonished by Jesus teaching and by his deeds. Both his teaching and deeds revealed his authority. Are we in awe of Jesus? Many study the supernatural, but do we submit to Jesus? 
  • Jesus didn't always use his authority the way the people wanted him to, sometimes he said no to healing and other requests the people around him had. Do we doubt Jesus' authority when he doesn't grant us something immediately, or even after many years of prayer?
  • There was one person who responded to Jesus with service (Luke 4:38-39). She was made free from her sickness by Jesus, we have been set free in the gospel of Jesus. What does it look like to respond to Jesus be an open book before God and before one another? Are there places in our hearts that are little outposts of rebellion? 
  • Jesus healed Peter's mother in law, but many were left not healed. Do we trust Jesus in his authority and in his timetable? 
  • Ryan mentioned Mike Matheny and the letter he wrote now known as the "Matheny Manifesto". Matheny had an agenda, and he was asking the parents who had invited him to coach their sons to go "all in" and fully commit to his agenda. King Jesus has an agenda, what does it take for us to say to Jesus "I'm in, I'm all in"? 
Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click here to listen!

Monday, October 1, 2012

The King's Agenda [Luke 4:16-30]

 The King's Agenda
Sermon Discussion Questions
  • We tend to attach ourselves to political agendas. Jesus himself has an agenda. Yesterday Ryan talked about how a bridegroom had an agenda, he wanted Ryan to quote the movie "Princess Bride" during his wedding homily. Ryan ultimately said no to the bridegroom's request because it wasn't keeping with the agenda of the wedding. When you think about Jesus' agenda what is your response?
  • Ryan said that that the people hearing Jesus in the synagogue responses were "tepid at best", are you tepid or apathetic to the Kingdom agenda? What ways do you find yourself opposing Jesus' Kingdom agenda? 
  • The agenda Jesus has is radically inclusive. For the people listening to Jesus, Jesus agenda was offensive because it included gentiles. Are there people who would feel uncomfortable at CPC? Who would you not invite to Covenant Church because they would feel uncomfortable? Why is that? 
  • When we think of exclusivity we tend to blame others, and that is easy to do. Don't just think about other people in the church and how others may make CPC exclusive. What are some ways that you are exclusive when it comes to Jesus Kingdom agenda? 
  • There are two pitfalls that are on either side of our following of Jesus' radical inclusion agenda, one is to sacrifice doctrinal truth for the sake of being welcoming to outsiders, the other is to exclude outsiders for the sake of doctrinal truth. How can we find a balance, between right inclusion and right doctrine? 
  • Jesus wasn't afraid to be called a friend of sinners for sake of his doctrine. Are we afraid to be called friends of sinners? 
Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click here to listen now!

Monday, September 24, 2012

The King in Battle [Luke 4:1-13]

Monday, September 24 2012

The King in Battle [Luke 4:1-13]

Sermon Discussion Questions

  • The battle of temptation that we are involved in is very close to home. Ryan was illustrating how involved with the battle of temptation we are through the story of Tom the World War Two pilot. We actually have connection to the most important battle of all time. Do you feel like you are involved in the intense battle of temptation like Jesus was? 
  • There was a C.S. Lewis quote given in the reflection "We never find out the strength of the evil impulse inside us until we try to fight it". What does suffering against temptation look like? What does it feel like? What are some of the hardships that come with fighting against temptation? 
  • We are more vulnerable to temptation at some times more than at others. Jesus was most brutally attacked when he was most physically weak. What times are you most vulnerable to attack? Can you detect patterns of when you come under attack of temptation?
  • Ryan told the story of the Civil War General who got the information about the enemy army but the general didn't think he could trust the information. We know the timing and tactis of Satan's attacks. How can we use this good information against Satan's attacks?
  • The sermon wasn't just about "Be like Jesus". Jesus is certainly a good example of what it looks like to actually fight viciously with temptation, how does Jesus inspire you to fight temptation and does Jesus does more than just inspire? 

Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click here to listen now!

Monday, September 17, 2012

The King Arrives [Luke 3:1-22]

Monday, September 17 2012

The King Arrives [Luke 3:1-22]

Sermon Discussion Questions

  • Ryan began by pointing out the dilemma of humility. What are some of the ways in which it is hard to recognize humility in our own lives? Is it easier to recognize humility in others than in ourselves? 
  • What are some things we say to ourselves when we try to humble ourselves? Do we think of ourselves as "miserable" or "less than others" or "scum of the earth"? 
  • John's mission was to promote Jesus, he wasn't thinking less of himself or others, he was simply thinking more of Jesus. This humility of living the ways things are actually frees us. Ryan mentioned two things humility frees us from, what does humility in Christ free us from? What are some areas of life in which those two burdens weigh heaviest? 
  • No one will ever mistake any of us for being Jesus or calling us "Big M Messiah", but plenty of people in our lives think of us as "small m messiah". What are some harmful side effects of trying to be small m messiah for other people? 
  • Since none of us are Jesus, we will end of disappointing one another at one point or another. Is this true in the church as well? How can humility help us as we disappoint others and ourselves and are disappointed by others and ourselves?
Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click here to listen!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday. September 10, 2012

Too Good to Be True [Luke 1:1-4]

Sermon Discussion Questions

  • Ryan mentioned that both the presidential conventions took place recently. Often we Americans are sceptical and even cynical about news and reports. We can be sceptical of anything that claims to have authority out of a fear of propagating an agenda or simple disbelief. How does this impact us as we come to the Bible and what does Luke 1:1-4 say about itself as a reliable history?
  • C.S. Lewis certainly knew the difference between a myth and history. What are some key differences between myth and the history of the Bible?
  • Have you ever read, or hear someone challenge the trustworthiness of the Bible? What are some doubtful passages have you heard others call silly, crazy, or myth? What is challenging in believing and sharing the story of the bible in a cynical environment? 
  • Do you know someone who loves to eat pizza? Or someone who has really bad breath? These are little details that get included in stories we tell about the people in our lives, do the details of Luke's gospel matter? How so? Do the details affirm spiritual truths or historical realities? 
  • What is the difference between good news and good advice? Do other religions give good news or good advice? 
  • Ryan finished by asking if we were ready to go on this adventure together hearing the good news of Luke's gospel. Do you want in your daily life more good advice coupled with the good news? How do you struggle between living in a Christian way while still remembering the good news of Jesus?

Haven't heard the sermon yet? Click here to listen!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Enduring in the Fight [Revelation 3:7-13]

Sermon Discussion Questions
  • Where's a time or situation in your Christian walk that you felt the pressure to give up or to give in?  What made the fight so hard?
  • What's comforting about knowing that Jesus has the "key of David"?      
  • Do you remember what it means that Jesus will "keep" the church from the "hour of trial"?  Why do you suppose that Jesus doesn't just physically remove them from harm?  What does this say about what Jesus desires for the church?
  • What areas of your life are you currently facing hardship and asking yourself the questions, "Can I do this?  Do I have what it takes?"  Share as a group.
  • What can you look to in the past or present to see God's work in your life?  How does this serve as motivation and fuel to endure?  As Christians, what do all of us ultimately have that we can look to?
  • Why is God's vision for the future condition of the people so central in this passage?  What is it about this vision that gives them (and us) such hope?  

Monday, August 13, 2012

Looking Inward [Revelation 3:1-6]

Sermon Discussion Questions
  • Penny told a story about a baseball team whose uniforms left many with the impression that they would be poor at playing the game.  What was the purpose of this story and how did it relate to the church in Sardis?  As a group, discuss what facades we erect to hide behind our dead hearts.  Think individually and personally (e.g. facebook, etc.) and think corporately (i.e. our church as a whole).
  • Do you think of a warning as being gracious?  Why or why not?  How does this warning to the church serve a gracious purpose?
  • Amidst their/our sin, what hope does Jesus offer the church?  How does the reality of a faithful remnant serve as hope? 
  • To what action does he call you and I?  What action(s) do we see from Jesus?
  • Jesus invites us to put off the false life of the external and to put our confidence in Him.  Why do we have so much trouble doing this?  Why is it so hard to accept Christ's gracious invitation?  [Thinking of Penny's story of going to the Sugar Bowl may spark thought and conversation.]

Monday, August 6, 2012

Tolerating Ourselves to Death [Revelation 2:18-29]

Sermon Discussion Questions
  • When we tolerate sin, what kinds of excuses do we tell ourselves?  When we tolerate sin, what is it that Pastor Ryan said is eroded?
  • What was significant about the way that the trade and commerce system worked in Thyatira?  Why was this a difficult place to be as a Christian?  What real issues do Christians face today that might be similar?  (start with what Pastor Ryan mentioned and brainstorm from there)
  • Take a few of these issues and discuss how, as Christians, we can lovingly engage the world around us even as we seek to have an intolerance for sin, particularly sin in our own lives.
  • What is truly needed to develop a gratitude for grace?  
  • We should have a proper longing for a greater and future glory.  Are you surprised by the picture of glory described in this passage?  What significance does it have for us that we are given not merely a place but truly a role in this future glory?  How does this aid in curbing our tolerance for sin?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Your Life According to Jesus [Revelation 2:12-17]

Sermon Discussion Questions
  • Can you think of a time that being told the truth was difficult or uncomfortable?  On this side of that experience, are you glad to have received the truth?  Why do you suppose that for God, receiving truth and our maturity are so interconnected?
  • Do you think of Satan as roaming about (Job 1), prowling around to devour who he may (1 Peter 5)?  In other words, do you think (as CS Lewis said) of where you live as "enemy occupied territory"?  How does or should knowing this truth change the way we engage this world?  Who or what is our fight against?
  • In this letter to Pergamum, he commends them on the one hand but also holds some things against them.  What does he hold against them?  What can it look like for you/us to fall into this trap?
  • While we may not know exactly what the "hidden manna" or "white stone" actually signifies, what hope do they appear to provide?  What does it mean to you to know that you are marked out, belonging to God?  How does this truth change the way we live in the here and now?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Strength in Suffering [Revelation 2:8-11]

Sermon Discussion Questions
  • Even though Jesus tells us in this passage, "Do not fear..." we all experience the oppressive nature of fear in our lives.  As you feel comfortable, share your present experiences of fear as a group.
  • Perhaps even sharing your fears brings comfort, particularly with those who can relate.  What does it mean that Christ actually "knows" our pain and suffering?  
  • How did you respond to the illustration that Ryan gave about the pastor who climbed up in bed with the sobbing father?  Did that make you uncomfortable?  If it did, why?  What does it mean to you that Christ actually climbs into our pain?
  • Is it hard to believe that God doesn't waste our suffering?  What makes this so difficult?  How have you seen God "steward" suffering and pain in your life?
  • How will Jesus "end" our suffering?  How does this affect the way that we live our daily lives now?

Monday, July 9, 2012

Reality Check [Revelation 1:9-20]

Sermon Discussion Questions
  • When you think of Jesus, what picture has normally come to mind?  Do you feel like you underestimate who he really is?
  • What does it mean that Jesus is called the 'Son of Man'?  What does John say about his voice?  What's significant about the way that John describes his voice and other characteristics that he encounters?
  • All of us would understandably be afraid during such an encounter.  How is John comforted?  
  • Fear.  What does it mean to fear God?  Is there healthy fear?  Is there unhealthy fear?  What's the difference?
  • What sorts of responses do you think we should have or expect to have after such an encounter with this Jesus?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Unveiled Hope [Revelation 1:1-8]

Sermon Discussion Questions
  • Think of moments where you've experienced feelings of hopelessness.  Describe those feelings.  In those moments, did you ever have someone try and give you pat answers?  How did that make you feel?  What does it say about God that we don't get pat answers from him?
  • In this passage, where and how do we see our fear being addressed?
  • Do you struggle to move on from past failures?  What is it that prevents you from moving on?  For those of us who struggle with this, what aspect of this 'unveiled hope' do we need to hear?
  • What do we know with absolute certainty (verse 7)?  Name the ways you and I struggle to live in the reality of this absolute certainty.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Holiness [Nehemiah 13:23-31]

Sermon Discussion Questions
  • Why is Nehemiah so angry in this passage?  
  • During the sermon, we heard that 'the strongest catalyst towards holiness, if married, is your spouse.'  Discuss this statement as a group.  If you're married, how do you see this playing out?  If you aren't, what does this say about the way you approach marriage and finding a spouse?
  • In the passage, where do we see results of 'disillusioned children' and 'diluted service to others' from the mixed faith marriages?  Why would these be glaring potential problems, even today?
  • Ryan used the creating of Michaelangelo's David to describe the way we should view engaging our spouses.  What struck you most about this illustration?  What challenges come with engaging in this way?  What privileges come with engaging in this way?  

Monday, June 18, 2012

Rest [Nehemiah 13:15-22]

Sermon Discussion Questions
  • 'The greatest enemy to rest is us.'  As a group, evaluate and discuss this statement using personal stories and examples.  
  • Ryan took the time to list several different kinds of internal pressures that we feel causing our restlessness and contributing to our reluctance to rest on the Sabbath (wanting to get ahead, feeling the need to provide, etc.).  Which one(s) do you resonate with the most?  Why is that?
  • What sorts of external pressures do you see contributing to the lack of Sabbath rest in your life?  What would it look like to push against these external pressures (and the 'external pace')?
  • Do you really believe that God wants us to have the freedom to rest?  
  • Per Ryan's suggestion, what's one thing that you need to change in order to truly rest on the Sabbath, whether something you need to START or STOP.