Does God want you? Does he begrudge having you in his church? Do your heart and head sometimes disagree in response to this question? Why?
What does baptism stand for in verse 27? What does it have to do with the statement in v. 28? How do we now see one another?
Given your answers above, why is diversity valuable in the church?
For a largely homogeneous congregation, where does its oneness come from? What about a highly diverse one?
What do you inherit as one of Abraham’s heirs? (It may help to consider how it may have been originally understood: the land of Canaan, the nation of Israel, and a relationship with God)
What does this phrase from the Puritans means: “Living below our privileges.” Explain it, with reference to the passage and sermon.
What is meant by the term “basic principles”? (Other translations, “elementary principles”) What was Ryan referring to when he talked about being a 35-year-old in kindergarten?
What does it mean to live as a slave? What about as a son/daughter?
Finally, consider this thought from J.I. Packer: “If you want to judge how well a person understands Christianity, find out how much he makes of the thought of being God’s child.” Share your response to this quote: How much have you previously made of being called God’s child? What factor has it played in your own conception of your identity? How will you respond to and act upon this knowledge? What difference, if any, will it make in your personal life, or family, or church life? How will you keep yourself in this truth?
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