Sunday, September 11, 2011

Enslaved by the Free Gospel

Sunday, September 11, 2011
Sermon: Enslaved by the Free Gospel
Text: Galatians 1:10-24
Pastor: Ryan Laughlin
Please read the passage above. Bear in mind it tells a before-and-after story. As you read, watch how the effect of Paul’s conversion shapes how he behaves, particularly as it changes whose approval he is seeking.
Reflect: As you imagine freedom for your life, whose interests take center stage? Whose approval is most important to you now? In your current state, whose interests and whose approval are at the center?
From what you know of Paul, whose approval would you say he was seeking before his conversion? At the time of the writing of Galatians, why do Paul’s critics say he is seeking the approval of men? Whose approval have you made a priority in your life? How does Christianity relieve this need to seek approval?
Ryan also said that the gospel frees us from seeking superiority, a position that puts us in comparison mode at all times. How does this differ from the pursuit of excellence instead?  How was Paul seeking superiority? With Christ at the center of your life, how does seeking excellence differ from seeking superiority? Think in terms of motivation and reward.
Outline what Paul does after his conversion. What do the details here suggest regarding whose glory Paul is working for?
One of the concluding remarks was that it is tyranny to make much of yourself instead of God. In your own words, what does this mean? How do you see this reflected in the text?

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