Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 21 Sermon: Why Work Matters

Why Work Matters

Opening reflection: Is your work a means to an end? Is it a way of getting from A to B? What is that end—what is point A and what is point B in your life? Why do you go to work every day? Would you still go to work if you won the lottery? Is some work more important than others, in your eyes? What about in God’s eyes?

Review Proverbs 11:1, 20:23, and 16:11. What qualities does God seek in our work? Why does God care about our scales? (And, incidentally, how might you “translate” these verses into your specific job?)

Review Proverbs 22:22-29. Whose side is God on in these verses? What does he look for in our work? What sort of work does he value? Is it only the “morals” we abide by in our work that God values? Why/why not?

Review Proverbs 31:13-31. List all the traits of a godly worker or godly work you see here. What makes this woman’s work valuable? What makes it useful? Review Ryan’s observations here—that work with a purpose shows (restored) humanity, stewards power, and serves people. Where do you see evidence of these ideas in the text?

Finally, return to your opening reflections. Re-consider your initial responses in light of this sermon. Finally, what does Jesus’ mission have to do with your work?

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