Monday, July 18, 2011

July 17 Sermon: Why We Need Friends

Please read the following Proverbs on friendship: 13:20, 16:28, 18:24, 27:5-6, 9, 17.

Reflect on friendships you’ve had: which were the most enjoyable? The most fun? The most enriching? Which demanded the most of you? Do you have a personal barometer of what makes a successful or worthwhile friendship? Try to keep these experiences in mind as you reflect on the wisdom of Proverbs on friendship.

What is the ideal friend like, according to 27:9? Now read 27:5-6. Why do these verses feel contradictory? How is it possible to be both the friend of v. 9 and of vv. 5-6? What do these verses, taken together, suggest about Biblical friendship, its basis and its purpose?

Why is it important to consider 16:28 in a consideration of friendship—what does this verse add to the conversation? Why is gossip such a deeply felt personal offense?

Vv. 27:17 and 13:20 tell us the benefit of friendship. What are those benefits? How are they produced?

How does 18:24 “sit” with you? As unrealistic or virtually impossible in this world? As possible for others but not for you? Does it offend, as it seems to give friendship priority over family? As idealized figure of speech? Whatever your response, explore why you would say this is so? Why does such a friendship seem rare if not impossible? What is the remedy of the impediments to this kind of friendship?

If you are so inclined, you may want to listen to this song. As you listen, reflect on the wisdom from Proverbs: What can you affirm about what the song says? What would you challenge? What would you tell the songwriter if he were present with you?

1 comment:

  1. Oops! The song didn't link like I was hoping it would! You should be able to copy and paste to your browser though.
