Friday, January 21, 2011

January 21-27

Readings can be accessed in full by clicking on the links below:  
Jan 21: Gen 27-29
Jan 22: Gen 30-31
Jan 23: Gen 32-34
Jan 24: Gen 35-37
Jan 25: Gen 38-40
Jan 26: Gen 41-42
Jan 27: Gen 43-45

To view the schedule:

1 comment:

  1. Some thoughts and questions from these chapters in Genesis:

    ~ The story of the Israelites: As I was reading I tried to imagine how the Israelites who had just experienced God's deliverance from Egypt would have received these stories of their beginnings. They had personally witnessed God's provision, protection, redemption and now they are hearing how God revealed himself to their ancestors. I wonder what they would have been thinking as heard about the births of the sons of Leah and Rachel, from whom their very tribes are descended and named.

    ~ God's character revealed: These chapters show that God's mercy extends not only to his chosen people, but to the nations around them (Hagar, Abimelech) Abraham learns that God is his shield (Gen 15), the covenant maker and keeper (15), God Almighty, before whom his people are to walk and be blameless (17), Merciful (19- Lot lingers in Sodom, the Lord physically removes him b/c of his mercy - not Lot's righteousness), his Provider (22).

    ~ Love and Hate: Abraham's love? God or Isaac; Esau's love? Food or Birthright; Rebekah's love? Esau or Jacob; Isaac's love? Food or Sons; Jacob's love? Rachel or Leah…

    ~ Cynicism: Both Abraham (17:17) and Sarah (18:12) laughed when Isaac was promised. To me, Sarah's laughter, though, reveals a dark and doubtful cynicism. It's so easy to be cynical as well; it's something that I have to fight against.
