Thursday, September 30, 2021

Romans 1:18-32 "The Tragedy of Unbelief (or How it Feels to Get Everything You've Ever Wanted) Rev. Ryan Laughlin





                                                          Sermon Discussion Questions


1) After reading over the text in Romans, what does it tell us about suppressing truth and switching our allegiances? 


2) What are we reminded about God and our relationship with Him in this passage?


3) How does the heavy news about the "wrath of God"  in the section help us as believers?


4)  Bulletin quote: "For when we worship God, we do not worship nothing, we worship anything" (GK Chesterton) Have you seen evidence of this in your own life with different idols?


5)  Are we able to say "no" to the things God says no with tears/compassion? How have we seen the grace of God work in our hearts with our sin? What are some ways we can extend that grace to others in our lives?

Monday, September 20, 2021

John 1:14-18, 2 Corinthians 3:12-18 "Something More Glorious" Rev. Greg Meyer




                                                                Sermon Discussion 


1) What does John 1:14-18 and 2 Corinthians 3:12-18 tell us about God's glory?


2) When we talk about God's glory...what are we talking about? Can you define it?


3)  How does the world define glory? Are there cultural examples from music, movies you can think of as an example?

4) Colossians 1:15-20 What does this passage tell us about the glory of God displayed?

5) How are we as the Church to respond to God's glory?


6)  How do the cross and the resurrection display the glory of God? How do we experience God's glory now as His people?

Monday, September 13, 2021

Romans 1:1-17, "The Gospel of God" Rev. Chris Smith



                                                       Sermon Discussion 


 1) As you read over the passage what are some of the main themes (repeated phrases) that you notice?


2) What is the difference between the gospel being good news and not good advice?


 3)  We see in the passage the source (vs 1-2) of the gospel, substance (vs 3) of the gospel, scope (vs 5)  and the power (vs 3,16) of the gospel.  Discuss in more detail these areas of the gospel with your group.


4) In what way did you see the gospel in a new light after reading over this passage and hearing the sermon?


5)  Bulletin quote: "The message of Romans is not that "man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains", as Rousseau put is rather that human beings are born in sin and slavery, but that Jesus Christ came to set us free. (John Stott) Is this helpful to the way you view yourself in light of the gospel?

Sunday, September 5, 2021

1 Corinthians 7:17-26 "God's Calling" Dr. Dan Doriani



                        Sermon Discussion


1) The experience of calling...what does Paul tell the Corinthians about calling in this passage?


2) Discuss these categories and what they may look like in your context. 

God calling His people (1 Corinthians 7) 

    *God calls us to faith and union with Christ

    *God calls us to places and roles

    *Stay, unless, because...

3) To work in our God-given place may feel right--or wrong. Has this been a challenge to you in your life? Where have you seen God at work in this area of your life? 

4) What are the specific callings in your life? Where are the places/people that God has placed you in?

5)  What does it look like to live faithfully in all our callings?  How can you serve God in your specific calling?