Monday, July 26, 2021

The Gospel of Judas John 13:13-35, Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                                              Sermon Discussion Questions


  1) How do we see Jesus responding to the betrayal of Judas?


  2) Do we tend to reduce our own sin to just behavior? Do we really think about how personal it is to Jesus?


  3) How have we felt when we have been betrayed in our lives? How does Jesus sympathize with us in this?


  4) How has Jesus dealt with us in our struggles and sins? Can you share times you have experienced His love and forgiveness?


Sunday, July 18, 2021

"How Much the Lord Can Do for You" Mark 5:1-20, Rev. Greg Meyer




                                                                Sermon Discussion 



   1) The reality for this man in the passage is that he was oppressed and possessed. But we also see the town's people were also enslaved by sin. What do we learn from the text about the man and the town?


   2) We live in a secular context where the supernatural is no longer a category in our every day life. In this text, we see how scary/evil Satan and demons can be to this man. But, what do we see Jesus doing? How does He respond to them directly? 


    3) If Jesus can find this man, who is lost and unclean...then He can find you. Do you believe that about yourself? How can that change your daily life as a believer?


   4) What binds/enslaves us from wanting to be known/seen by Jesus?  He has come to unbind us and free us from our sin and being sinned against. 

   5) How much can the Lord do for us? What does vs 18 & 19 tell us? God saved the man then sent him out. He does the same for us too. Where is the mission of God in our daily lives?





Tuesday, July 13, 2021

"Baptize For What?" Matthew 3 by: Pablo Rosales




                                                        Sermon Discussion Question 


   1) After reading over the passage again what are we reminded about Jesus and His ministry? How was the baptism of Jesus different than other baptisms by John the Baptist?

  2) Why does Jesus identify with us?

  3) Do we find ourselves coming to Jesus as a regular rhythm in our lives? If not, what stops you?  

   4) "Jesus identifies with us so that we may be righteous." (Sermon quote) What does that look like in our daily lives? What does that look like as we interact with our neighbors?

  5) Another reason Jesus identifies with us is so that we be like children that belong to Him.Can you name some specific obstacles to this in our lives? Obstacles from within our culture? Obstacles from within our own hearts and stories?

