Monday, April 26, 2021

Luke 24:36-49 "Why Are You Troubled?" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                              Sermon Discussion Questions



   1) As you read over this passage again, what are the questions Jesus asks? What else does Jesus say in this portion?


 2) Why do you think the detail about the door being locked is included?


3) There is an abundance of details in this passage. What others do you observe?


4) What does the resurrection of Jesus teach us about living our lives now?


5) Does Jesus asking for some fish surprise you? What about that detail helps us know Jesus better?


6)  How do we as believers "show and tell" God's radical forgiveness and our repentance in our lives? 

Monday, April 19, 2021

2 Corinthians 9:6-11 "Joy of Looking Like Your Father" Dr. Paul Kooistra



                                                           Sermon Discussion 


  1) After reading the passage, what does it say about giving?


  2) Sermon quote: "God loves a cheerful giver because He loves people that look like Him." Was this encouraging to hear? Did it challenge your thoughts on giving?

  3) God gives in abundance. What evidence do you see of this in the world around us? In your own life have you experienced His abundance of provision?

  4) We were made and saved to be generous givers. What are some practical ways we can do this in our lives?

 5) Why do you think it is difficult to talk about what we do with the material things God has given us?

  6) What are some other passages in the Bible that show us God's generosity?



Monday, April 12, 2021

Luke 24:13-35 "Recognizing Jesus" Rev. Ryan Laughlin




                                                                Sermon Discussion Questions


   1) After reading over Luke 24:13-35, what do we see Jesus doing and saying? What do those interacting with Him do and say?


  2) Are there times when we don't recognize Jesus in our lives? How have we responded to those times?


  3) Sermon quote: "For believers, we recognize Jesus at His best, when we are at our worst." Have you had experience of this at times in your life? How has Jesus helped you recognize Him in difficult times?


  4) In this passage, Jesus breaks bread with them. In a very real sense, He is still breaking bread with us when we come to the table. How do we see/recognize Jesus better when we come the Lord's Supper?


  5) How does being in His Word help us recognize Jesus better? 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Luke 24:1-12 Resurrection Matters Rev. Ryan Laughlin





                                                      Sermon Discussion Questions


   1) After reading over the passage, who are the characters in the narrative? What role do they play?


  2) Why should we care that the resurrection matters?


  3) What significance does the bodily resurrection of Jesus have on His Church? What is encouraging about it?


 4) How does the truth of the resurrection effect our lives today? In what practical ways can it change the way we live on a daily basis and not just Easter Sunday?


5) What does I Corinthians 15:54-57 say about death? How does Christ's death give us victory?


6) The reality of the resurrection of Jesus is the "new normal". What does this imply?